Friday, September 10, 2010

Walking on sunshine.

Yesterday I was able to avoid getting eaten by animals and no hail fell from the sky so it was a good day. A great day actually. I was so fucking chipper! Like a chipmunk munching on an array of different nuts. Pretty happy, pretty productive, pretty pretty too considering a wangsta clown I know saw me outside the library and said, "You look different. I don't know what it is but...I mean, you always look pretty but i don't know. You just look different (yo)."

That was nice to hear. And I think it was due to the chipmunkness I was displaying on campus. So in reality, whoever thought of that whole "if you project optimism and happiness then you're more prone to be approachable and have a good day" was kinda right. I didn't realize that until today so I'm trying to be nice..and hopefully people will see me as an approachable person. My best friend said I'm not approachable sometimes, which is probably due to the fact that I walk as if I'm on a mission to be somewhere and I don't smile, showing my pearly off-whites. AND i'm "that girl" who walks 5 minutes across campus with headphones in, an obvious display of no desire to be social with anyone. Well, I used to be "that girl" but I'm not no mo.

For the record, one of my male companions Frumpkin (yes, that is his name for the time being) enjoys the sidesnotes. To be honest i don't know how many i write. But like a wiff of something pungent I just got this feeling of annoyance just now. But hey, even if there's overcast, I will soldier on and project myself as a happy person.

Mmkay, I'm kinda annoyed but what I'll do is post this video from YouTube to make me laugh hysterically.
You must click on this link below and just see what can cheer you up when you are annoyed. Please and thank you. I laugh like a sinister beast as I type. Not so beastly per se, but pretty evil and bitchy. Hardy har har har harhahhasdlgi;agasdag. Watch this before it gets old and Jimmy Kimmel starts talking about it.


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