Friday, September 3, 2010

A couple fries short of a happy meal.

So this week, without it seeming like i'm a total emo fuck on my blog, was a pretty bad one. Full of stress out the ying-yang. Woof times 100. and 50. so like, 150 Woofs. And we college students aren't supposed to start stressing until week 4 or 5. Hah!

Thus far, my car has decided to breathe its last breath in the campus parking lot, making it impossible for a tow truck to get in there and pull her out. "Wellllll..we can't help you if the car is in the garage...once its out we can tow it."  Stupid fucking cunt scab. I'm so glad i'm a basic member with a certain travel insurance agency. Yea, that is class-A emergency road-side assistance they have to come out and "help" me with my situation. I've gotten better service getting my cooter waxed by people who speak half-English..or "Engrish."
I want him to tow my car, he's cute :)
Hopefully with the man power that left for Labor Day weekend will be able to help me get Sheila's fat two-door ass outta the garage next week. Then hopefully she'll be able to be resurrected and run for another week before breaking down again. A 30-pack on me, guys :)

I got ripped a new mental asshole by an actress who beat the shit out of a cat in a horror film. "You gotta remember these people are actors," one of my male companions told me. He's right. At the same time, anything having to do with spirits, and ghosts, and shit freak me out. Yet, I still wanna watch it, what the fuck is wrong with me? Two nights sleeping in fear took its toll when I'd have to wake up for school, where I live for about 12 hours a day, three days a week. "Yeah, you look like you need to sleep," mommy told me when I came home for the weekend to de-stress...and get away from the ever-increasing circle of friends, which is getting bigger because everyone is fucking dating everyone. Wowwww, let's play ugly duckling but with single people. Christ.

Jorts: the sexy choice, mmm
Some friend tiffs here and there were a bit to deal with but nothing that phases me. Yeah, i do get urrrrritated at times by people and sometimes claim that I am not a people person. I am a roller coaster or crabiness. I can love a stranger for his/her chipper attitude at 8am (preferably one of the facilities workers who practices his b-ball skillz tossing wet paper towels into the garbage can when he's done cleaning the windows in the student union - I usually work around the time he does that, and I am usually the only person cheering him on). I can also get annoyed by people who wear jorts to the gym. and work out in them. really? It's called a gym, not New York Fashion Week so don't come dressed to the nines in the lastest Stella McCartney Adidas line.

And also, don't come to the gym if you "hate to sweat." Oh yeah, I've heard someone say that before. I don't remember who but I do remember that I wanted to spill her iced coffee all over her Juicy Couture vomiticious-looking track suit when she said it. I could usually put a face to a name at my college but she was wearing sunglasses that day. And there was an overcast. That's annoying too.

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