Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday morning I was quite the stressed bunny. I was up the night before, sore out of my mind from Tuesday night's workout (read "defeated" blog post), and still had a PowerPoint presentation to complete by Thursday and be prepared to talk about in front of my Senior Seminar class for Mass Comm. I also had a Marketing exam I was nowhere close to finished studying for. I stayed up until 2am Wednesday morning. I slept for a depressing two hours before randomly waking up at 4am. I tossed and turned until 6am. My alarm went off at 745am. And I still had some studying to do before my exam at 930am.

I got ready quickly, got the last spot in the more convenient parking lot on campus (fuck the garage, yo!), and went to the business school to study until my exam. I don't know what it is about this course but I didn't think I did too bad. I was outta there within a half hour. Let's just hope for the best. I aced the last two exams and I did well on both parts of the semester project (mishap included).

All the stresses of senior year were coming at me all at once. Maybe because I recently started thinking of my post-collegiate life and coming to terms with the fact that movie/wine nights are not going to get me through life or pay the bills (although being a critic for either would be fucking awesome). I had to get the ball rolling with the work yet I've been lazy to start. The semester ends shortly after Thanksgiving break and I was being bombarded by all of these projects due so soon. Maybe I should have kept up with all this work. It was finally hitting me; the word "slacker" stamped on my titties (figuratively speaking).

At the same time I've been in a serious, blah mood and I felt that I've done a few grown-up things recently. I submitted two resumes to two ad agencies, worked a shit ton on my Senior Seminar presentation, worked my ass off at rowing practice (this is not so much grown-up oriented but it was work nonetheless). And for a time, I maintained a tidy living space, did laundry, and load/unload the dishwasher. This may seem like I'm making the slightest tasks seem like huge endeavors but even the smallest things in life can make us feel so accomplished.

Having said that, I did something I wouldn't have normally done without telling my closest friends first. I got my rook pierced yesterday with Muff Boobs. If you don't know what the rook is, it's a funky part of cartilidge in one's ear and the piercing is usually finished with a bar or a hoop (Both Muff Boobs who I also call my BFP aka Big Fucking Pony opted for bars). This all started when...

I was on my way to the library to get started on some productivity with my Senior Seminar PowerPoint after I finished my exam. I saw Muff Boobs walking to the gym. I yelled an obscenity her way (because I don't know how to be nice and say "Hey friend!" to my peers). We went to go say Schmello to our coach who is really coool. I remember before taking my Marketing exam how I had this brush of indecision about a peircing. I knew I wanted to get another one eventually but I was thinking about getting tragis pierced instead - that's the tiny piece of ear meat that dangles from the side of your face like so:
I was literally peeing in the bathroom when I thought, Hmm, maybe I want my rook done instead. When we went to go visit our coach I told Muff Boobs about my change of heart about the rook. "DO IT! LET'S GO TODAY!" I thought to myself for a moment before saying "Okay." Nonchalantly.

I got a solid two hours of work done in the library on my PowerPoint (ocassionally touching my rook) before Muff Boobs was on my ass about going to the piercing place. We went. We paid. We got pierced. It hurt for momentarily but I didn't flinch. "Jules, you didn't even move," Muff Boobs said after the woman stuck a needle through my cartilidge. Muff Boobs went second. Poor thing was super frightened but got through it, squeezing my hand for the whole three minutes it took for the woman to pierce her rook.
Finished product :)
 Spontaneity. It's ok to let loose and do something out of one's element. Even if I planned on getting something done eventually, the fact that I just up and did it without really telling anyone or asking for an opinion is a little unlike me. I mean, I don't always ask for an opinion but it's nice to get some input once in a while. I'm quite happy with my decision. It hurts now and I can't sleep on my right ear for a while but oh well :)

As for that huuuuge Senior Seminar presentation I worked on, it went really well today. I incorporated my audience, got them interested and listening, used my "asian charm" as my friend Sasquatch suggested I do, I practice it in front of Tor until her ears bled last night, made everyone laugh with my dry sense of humor, and I smiled. One of my professor's comments at the end of my presentation was "Your calm demeanor hides your dry sense of humor. I had no idea how funny you were." (Well, I did tell the whole class at the beginning of the powerpoint how I enjoy peeing outside and being active and sweaty. Whatever, they laughed and when people laugh I feel less nervous). All in all, I turned it on by the time I got up there. I knew my shit and went through each slide with ease. I operated the Smart Board equipment confidently and had interesting videos to show everyone as well as keep them engaged at 1030 in the morning. Good on me :)

1 comment:

  1. ooo i like. so spontaneous. makes me want to re-pierce my tongue, which i unfortunately think would be quite painful.
