Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Don't all these angles make me look dynamic?"

I am still drunk and since my iPod Kramer was uber low on battery, I'm writing while I wait for him to charge. Yes, I tend to go on runs the next day after a night of mayhem. There's something about running while drunk that sobers me up a bit. And makes me feel less guilty about the vast consumption of fun juice I had the night prior. Here, here!

I woke up next to a box of chocolate chip cookies. I found one of the chocolate chips in my bed and I'm surprised my fat ass didn't melt it into the sheets. I ate it regardless.

I think the title came to mind considering my monthly visitor, Aunt Flow stumbled outta nowhere practice...before my night class. Luckily, I come prepared wherever I go. But when I got home, I remember being super excited to try the new tampons I bought: U by Kotex. Reason being because the company makes those funny ass commercials about periods and tampons. I know this sounds gross that I'm even speaking about tampons and my Aunt Flow and just feminine products in general (I do have male followers, and guys, I'm sorry).

Please watch these commercials and tell me they're a great way to advertise feminie hygeine in this day and age.

"You can relate to me because I am racially ambiguous"
"I like to twirl...maybe in slow motion"

Marketing greatness? Umm yah.
I don't know why I'm ranting and raving about these things. I haven't even had my friend for a full 24 hours to even say if they work or not. Oh well, I'm sure other tampon brands "wish they could be" U by Kotex. They're the only brand that pokes fun at something that people are too embarassed to talk about.
how cahuuute?

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