Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday.

Here's some tuneage for the post. Ever since I figured out how to embed files rather than have my beloved followers click on links, disrupting the whole blog/music enjoying experience. I love this song and the artist who performs it. But this remix is so damn great. Turns a mellow song into a fun, mellow song.

Thanksgiving was delicious as usual. Mommom (my grandma) always makes green bean casserole knowing that I'll thoroughly enjoy it. I'm pretty much the only person on my dad's side of the family who eats it, yet she still makes it. I love her :) That's her down there putting the moutain of mashed "spudatas" on the dining table.
A picture of the lovely spread @ Aunt Trish's house.
I didn't have my phone at the dinner table, considering it would have been rude and when I eat, it's an all sense experience and reading/sending texts is something that should be postponed especially during an important meal such as last night's. But I wish I took a pic of the spread on my plate. I didn't even have room for my Pillsbury roll! But the spread included: turkey (duhh), stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed spudatas, corn, broccoli n cheez, green bean casserole (YES), yamz with pecanz, and that roll not fit for the rest of the plate. Oh, and Martinelli's Sparkling Grape Juice. Hellz yerrr I love that stuff. After feeding the food baby living in my stomach and probably gaining back all the weight I lost up at school (so long, lightweight considerations for next semester), all I wanted to do was remove the high waisted belt preventing me from breathing. Huff.

As the tryptophan was kickin' in, I helped mama wash some dishes, played with Max, my aunt and uncle's special cat. He really is special. They adopted him from the SPCA I believe and they were told he has neurological difficulties, which cause him to walk sideways sorta and lean to the side. My stepgrandpa calls him Lean-to and said yesterday that if Max was a girl they shoulda called him Eileen (get it? I Lean..bahah). But he is more loving than any ordinary cat and he has this odd belly that I love playing with. It kinda just hangs there. He's not even fat but you can kinda just put his belly in your hands like a bean bag. Fun.
Max <3
Speaking of my stepgrandpa, he is great too. I didn't know he had a Blackberry so of course, we exchanged pins. I am now Blackberry friends with my stepgrandpa (who, for the record, is more of a grandfather than my dad's dad who I only see twice a year as I listen to the same stories he shares with us every time we see him. And I don't really know what to talk to him about. And he makes trips to NYC often with his wife who I don't remember seeing since I was a baby - even then I didn't know what she looked like. He knows I go to school in New York and that its quite easy for me to get to the city. But no, he doesn't ask to meet up. That's love for ya). I should probably tell Muff Boobs/the apprentice to quit changing my statuses now that I'm friends with my stepgrandpa. He'll probably wonder what I mean if he sees my status as "Whoa, I shit my pants again. That's the third time today!" or "I like it when things are shoved up my butt." I wouldn't be able to go to family dinners without permanently being red-cheeked. And he'd probably tell my Mommom to quit making green bean casserole thinking that it would severely affect my bowels.

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