Friday, January 28, 2011

Dreamja Vu

Ever get that feeling that you've experienced something before but it turns out whatever situation you're in is actually you're first time dealing with it?

That is considered deja vu - the illusion of having previously experiencing something actually being encountered for the first time (

BUT have you ever had a dream and then days, weeks, or months later you find yourself in a real situation that resembled the dream? I have...TONS of times ever since I was little. And after said dream would become similar to reality wherever I was, I did this thing (which I still do today) where I'd get this baffled look on my face and I try to think real hard where I've experienced this situation before. But I haven't because I've dreamt it.

Precognitive dreams are kinda fucked up.

I was reading something on dreams on a website and it said prophetic or precognitive dreams oftentimes warn people of impending accidents or to prepare people for an inevitable event to occur. But most of my dreams have just mirrored situations as simple as conversations I've had with people. I would dream that I'd be talking to someone and then maybe a month later I'd be having the same conversation with the person I was in the dream with. Literally, a precognitive scene taking place before me.

Othertimes, my dreams would mirror situations where I would just be in a room full of certain people and then seconds later I would wake up without knowing the exact ending. Then weeks later, I would be in said room with same people. Weird. Like Inception.

Last night after drifting with the boys, we crossed an intersection and that was when I immediately did that thing where I looked baffled and thought for a good five seconds before saying, "Oh my God, please...please be careful going home! I-I-uhh...I don't know I feel like something bad is going to happen. I mean, I had a dream about this exact spot and that Daly or you or someone got into trouble. Like by cops or something. Oh my God should we call Daly?! Call-call Daly! I don't know, eww, I feel like something bad is gonna happen!"

Frump was reaching for his phone when Cahones, the logical one, said, "Watch, Ryan's gonna call Daly and Daly's gonna get pulled over for talking on his phone." We all started to laugh because what if that was the bad, impending situation that was going to happen in my dream before I woke up, not knowing the turnout. "Okay, yeah, don't call him," I said. "Daly's gonna be alright," Frump assured me.

But its moments like that where I get baffled and nervous and sort of freak out and start to say things like, "Hey didn't we already..." or "Didn't this just..." (but then I stop myself and say "Meh, nevermind) all under ten seconds.

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