When I was younger, I dreaded waking up at the ass crack of dawn to go to pre-school. My dad would come into my room and sing this song to get me out of bed and I absolutely hated it..."Juling's goin' to school this morning!!" He would sing it over and over until I whined and stumbled out of bed, with a tired, sourpuss look on my face. I can understand why he's in choir now for our local church back at home.
Anywho, I should've taken advantage of coloring and finger paint and nap time while I was still young. Because college classes are far worse. Not worse, just require more work than eating snack with your peers (who would rather eat their boogers)...I'm talking about my preschool days right there.
Today, I had my first day of classes for the spring semester. Not too bad: two Marketing classes, with some free time in between to catch up with pals and job-search at the library, and late practice with the team indoors. Fortunately, I knew a few people in each class. Don't you love it when you go into a class thinking you'll know not a single soul but end up having an acquaintance suffer in whatever class you're in together? It's great! I have a buddy in Retail Management (some throw in class I had to put in my schedule to fill in my credit quota) and I have a few biddies in Consumer Behavior (which I have with a somewhat Loony Tune professor - she hums as she passes out papers or when she gets the computer warmed up and she's very eco-friendly because I probably heard her say "environment" or "environmentally-friendly" more than 4 times in class today). Either way, she had me laughing.
Oh, and the Retail Management professor sounded like he was from Boston - he sounded like an older version of Matt Damon (unfortunately didn't look the part...er, paat). Talk about the Depaaated. He had us do a "Meet your Colleague" exercise - get acquainted with the person next you. You know, name, hometown, major, and...unusual fact about oneself OR career advice we would give to the following people: Snooki, The Situation, or Justin Bieber.
Overall, it was a pretty good day. We tended to some housekeeping items in each class. Tomorrow I start my internship. My first day. "You excited?" my peers have asked me for the past two weeks. "More nervous, than excited," I'd reply. And it's true. I don't wanna fuck up, especially not on the first day. Then it's back to campus for night class. Huff, I'm gonna need some luck tomorrow. That much closer to the weekend.
Something I want to take note of...
I was ill prepared for practice today: no hair tie and no bobby pins. I can't workout with my hair in my face. So my friend Tor improvised. She grabbed two paper clips to pin my bangs back and it worked wonders. And one of my coaches gave me a stretchy headband thing to use as a hair tie, which worked as well.
I came home and did a shitty parallel park job in front of my house, which I had to redo TWICE before coming inside.
I goofed off with one of my roomies. We were talking on the couch and she was telling me about her "BOOOOOOMB ASS" lunch she had today. Before that, I told her about the paper clips in my hair, and before that my other roomie came outside to show us her outfits she would wear to her internship.
"You look like you're ready to sell me something, and I'd definitely buy it!" I said about her outfit, meaning it looked great. "Are you wearing a tank top underneath your shirt?" I asked. "Yeah," she replied. "No, no tank top. Don't wear a tank top. Cleavage sells," I respond.
"You think people will notice if I wear this skirt twice?" she asked.
"Only if there's vomit on it," I said.
"Or if you piss yourself!" my other roomie says.
Her and I let out a loud cackle of laughter along with my quoting of some lines from Anchorman.
The moral of the story is this...there isn't one. But now I consider the 3 of us as follows:
Gi is the one with a BOOOOOMB ASS lunch.
I have paper clips in my hair.
And Babbo smells like Indian food.
We're quite a lively, vulgar, funny, out-there bunch. And I love every minute of it :)
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