Friday, December 24, 2010

American Dog Days Are Over

I recently read up on a friend's posts. Like me, she takes music seriously. Well, some of it (when it comes to people shitting on her favorite jams).

I guess many people can consider me one of those pretentious music lovers who always wants to take note of how I heard a song wayyy before it got popular. Yeah, that's me. It can annoy people and it probably does but how can I not pride myself on my love of music and the fact that my pet iPod Kramer (yeah, that's his name and it's not because I'm a Seinfeld fan. I don't even fucking watch re-runs of that show) is a musical Bible of sorts? I'm rambling. Mehhhhh

Since Christmas is right around the corner and I'm feeling generous, I'd like to share with those who take time out of their busy schedules to read my blog a lovely mashup I found on the Internet*
*the source however I am not sharing because I am veryyy particular about who I share my music with. For some reason I don't like to give away all my favorite tunes in fear that it'll spread like wildfire and I won't get any credit for giving it haha. I'm so weird and childish; a Grinch of sorts? Maybe. A Scrooge a majority of time outside of Christmas? Umm, yeah pretty much. But wait! I come bearing musical gifts in the form of a great download I'm sure you could easily find online.

Don McLean vs Florence + The Machine - American Days Are Over (mashup) from Reborn Identity on Vimeo.

Don couldn't have sang it any better...
Do you believe in rock ’n roll,
Can music save your mortal soul,
And can you teach me how to dance real slow? 

Well, music certainly saves my soul :)

Oh, and for the record, I named my iPod Kramer because if you rearrange the letters in the name, it spells the word "marker."

I can hear the grasshoppers cricket already. Happy Holidays!

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