I guess I felt compelled to make a necessary change for the month of May. Just to cleanse myself mentally, emotionally, and physically. I'm okay (I think). But I'm not 100% there in terms of fully taking in what's going on in my life at the moment. I mean, I'm listening to a lot of Washed Out and Memoryhouse ever since I went to that concert by myself.* I guess that's when it all really started - the idea of cleansing my mind and body for 31 days.
*I don't consider it a bad thing listening to that much WO & MH but I guess all the ethereal rhythms are really getting to my emotions. Aw crap.
*I don't consider it a bad thing listening to that much WO & MH but I guess all the ethereal rhythms are really getting to my emotions. Aw crap.
I guess you can call me a lost sheep if you'd like. I'm not really that lost. I'm out there somewhere in some field eating someone else's grass and I have no idea where my cat damn shepherd is. Whatever happened to sheep left behind?! Especially the sheep that are spacey and phazey and just there. Drater sheep.
I guess the last time I "lost it" was last summer when I felt like my heart was shredded by the Big Bad Wolf. It really wasn't though. I just never experienced those feelings before. The first time something happens, it's always the weirdest/hardest to get used to; it's confusing at times but it always teaches you a lesson whether it's good or bad.
And so...
For the entire month of May I will be changing/adding things to my day-to-day routine and hopefully I'll be at peace (ha!), er, be able to process the things going on in my life at the moment. Although some may sound totally extreme, I believe that these things are not what's best for me, but will hopefully help me better myself in the long run. Again, these aren't permanent life changes and I am human - I'm capable of making mistakes and falling through more cracks then I've fallen through already. And I sure as hell know I'm going to get some criticism from my biggest fans - my loved ones. Friends, family, animals, and the occasional homeless person who will probably think I'm more of a looney tune than they are. But I'm doing this for myself and only me. Shit, I wanna challenge myself!
In no particular order...
1) Vegan diet - no meat, no dairy, no eggs. I've done the no-dairy thing before but now I am completely taking out ALL animals products - fish included. See ya later, sushi wushi.
2) Church on Sunday - I go already but not on a regular basis. Don't hate on me for loving Jesus either. I don't judge you for worshipping the Kardashians and Kris Humpbackwhalefries.
3) Hot yoga - or more yoga in general. I know how expensive yoga can get. But here's a tip! A lot of studios offer new student discounts for 7 consecutive days. I think what I'll attempt to do is take advantage of that discount at a Bikram studio for one week in May. I'll obviously let you know when that happens.
4) Keep my cell phone in my car during working hours - I've done this already and it's annoyed some of my friends. Why I've decided to do it? BecauseI don't hear from the person I want to text me I feel as if I need to stop constantly checking my phone for notifications. Besides, if someone is in dire need to contact me, they'll find a way (hellooooo...Facebook/Twitter/e-mail/my work extension. C'mon, kids it's not that hard to get ahold of someone these days). Other than that, I'll respond before 9am and after 5pm :)
5) Blog more - we all know I've neglected this for a while.
6) Read more - expanding my mental capacity and vocabulary. Yeah. But sorry, no Hunger Games for this bitch.
7) Embrace the love around me - yeah, lemme just soak up all those lovey-dovey couples making out next to me. NOOOOO that's not what I meant. But I really ought to embrace and enjoy the time I have with those people who are really important to me. I haven't been myself lately and just knowing that I'm loved by my friends and family who don't want to see me upset really means a lot to me. The surprise visits, the hang-in-there texts, the wine nights, city adventures, laughs and hugs. They all mean a lot to me.
I guess there are some other things I want to do but I really can't think of any. I sweepy! But yeah, this is the plan. I have 31 days. Let's do it.
I guess.
Oh, and no porn. Don't act like you haven't looked at any either! Bitch(es) pah-lease!
I guess the last time I "lost it" was last summer when I felt like my heart was shredded by the Big Bad Wolf. It really wasn't though. I just never experienced those feelings before. The first time something happens, it's always the weirdest/hardest to get used to; it's confusing at times but it always teaches you a lesson whether it's good or bad.
And so...
For the entire month of May I will be changing/adding things to my day-to-day routine and hopefully I'll be at peace (ha!), er, be able to process the things going on in my life at the moment. Although some may sound totally extreme, I believe that these things are not what's best for me, but will hopefully help me better myself in the long run. Again, these aren't permanent life changes and I am human - I'm capable of making mistakes and falling through more cracks then I've fallen through already. And I sure as hell know I'm going to get some criticism from my biggest fans - my loved ones. Friends, family, animals, and the occasional homeless person who will probably think I'm more of a looney tune than they are. But I'm doing this for myself and only me. Shit, I wanna challenge myself!
In no particular order...
1) Vegan diet - no meat, no dairy, no eggs. I've done the no-dairy thing before but now I am completely taking out ALL animals products - fish included. See ya later, sushi wushi.
2) Church on Sunday - I go already but not on a regular basis. Don't hate on me for loving Jesus either. I don't judge you for worshipping the Kardashians and Kris Humpbackwhalefries.
3) Hot yoga - or more yoga in general. I know how expensive yoga can get. But here's a tip! A lot of studios offer new student discounts for 7 consecutive days. I think what I'll attempt to do is take advantage of that discount at a Bikram studio for one week in May. I'll obviously let you know when that happens.
4) Keep my cell phone in my car during working hours - I've done this already and it's annoyed some of my friends. Why I've decided to do it? Because
5) Blog more - we all know I've neglected this for a while.
6) Read more - expanding my mental capacity and vocabulary. Yeah. But sorry, no Hunger Games for this bitch.
7) Embrace the love around me - yeah, lemme just soak up all those lovey-dovey couples making out next to me. NOOOOO that's not what I meant. But I really ought to embrace and enjoy the time I have with those people who are really important to me. I haven't been myself lately and just knowing that I'm loved by my friends and family who don't want to see me upset really means a lot to me. The surprise visits, the hang-in-there texts, the wine nights, city adventures, laughs and hugs. They all mean a lot to me.
I guess there are some other things I want to do but I really can't think of any. I sweepy! But yeah, this is the plan. I have 31 days. Let's do it.
I guess.
Oh, and no porn. Don't act like you haven't looked at any either! Bitch(es) pah-lease!
LOLing at the porn thing. And also, I really like the idea of leaving your phone in the car during work. I think if everybody tallied up the number of times they checked their phone during the course of a day, they'd be shocked. Good luck!