Friday, May 20, 2011

Family Radio

This morning I dropped Katie off at her house on my way to the gym. We drove by a orange tabby cat that was laying dead on the side of the road. I gasped and started to almost cry, saying "Oh noo!!" I remember that cat. When I picked Katie up a few weeks ago to go run errands, I saw that same cat walking through the front yard of her house. I texted Katie: "Here. There's a cat in your yard." She got the text on her way out her front door and said to me through the window, "Yeah, he's ours. He comes and goes when he pleases." Her house didn't really own the cat but he was part of that family in terms of always strolling through the yard from time to time.

We were both really sad driving past him in his state. But now he's sleeping peacefully with all the other kitties that left this beautiful Earth. But it got me thinking about a topic that many (or not so many) people have been questioning: Is the world really going to end tomorrow?

I'm not going to bore you with theories but I recall seeing an abandoned camper on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike on my way home for a few days last Monday. It said "6 Days" in the window of it. I didn't realize that the new End of Days was May 21, 2011 rather than December 21, 2012 {12.21.12} as predicted by Nostradamus centuries ago. I didn't really think about it until I went out to dinner with my parents last Tuesday night. "Man, I really hope Family Radio isn't right about Saturday," my dad said in the car. "What's Saturday?" I asked him. "It's supposed to be the end of the world," he replied. What scared me is that he said it with the upmost concern. "Ohhh, will you stop with that please!" my mom exclaimed, clearly annoyed by his slight negativity. "Well, with all this bad stuff happening lately, and how it's been storming everyday this week and all the flooding..." he said.

I started thinking about it more. It has been raining constantly lately, and with the flooding in the Midwest, the recent killing of Osama Bin Laden, the whole Libya thing months ago, and so forth, you can't help but think about it. I even had Final Destination-like panic attacks driving back to school last Wednesday. Oh fuck, I'm gonna be stuck in traffic somewhere on Saturday, and the world is going to drown me with a plague of rushing water everywhere!!!! Like a scene right out of The Day After Tomorrow. It was really freaking me out. What if I won't be able to see my family or the ones I love and tell them I love them? Of course my friends were telling me to relax and they were skeptical about it. What upset me was how my father, who goes to Church every Sunday and has "found God" (lately), has "been saved by Him" is telling me that he's scared that those crazy Christians might be right about Saturday. He was only making me nervous about it. "You're not gonna buy tons of water and go into hiding in some bomb shelter are you?" I asked him. "Nahh, I'm just keep living until the world ends," he said. Great suggestion. I think that's what I'm gonna do too :)

So if we're still here tomorrow, I'll thank the mighty heavens for not eating us sinners just yet. I haven't even started my new job yet (yeah, I got a big girl job!). I'm in no committed relationship and haven't had one of those. There are a lot of things I haven't done yet. So let's hope there's still time past tomorrow for me to do those things. And if we're tomorrow is in fact our last day, I'll still thank the mighty heavens for giving me such a fulfilling 22-year old life. I grew, I traveled, I met amazing people, I lived, laughed, and loved as much as I could.

When we pulled up to Katie's house this morning, we hugged each other goodbye since we wouldn't be seeing each other over the weekend. "And if the world ends, I love you," I said to her. "I love you too," she said laughing.

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