Friday, February 18, 2011

Jersey weekend recap

I notice an on-going theme with my weekend blog posts. I end up talking about last weekend at the end of this week. Huff. I'll still blog about other shit but I never find enough time to sit down and do a weekend re-cap until the new week is finally over.

Last weekend was set in Jersey once again for a FUNtabulous weekend of fwiends, family, Irish dancing, and great food, with a side of uncontrollable coughing* and lots and lots of tea. But before I delve into the awesomeness of last weekend, I started my Saturday with a lovely 2k massacre - an indoor rowing monstrosity with other colleges in our conference. I did well...sorta. I met my old PR. I didn't beat it but I'm right there, which is good. So God willing, maybe I'll get over my mental hump and finally break 8 minutes. The dream lives on.

We were off to Tor's again for another Irish dancing benefit and her boyf Andy Pants and our friend Frump came along with us. Frump has never seen Irish dancing up close and personal and didn't have much experience with the Siege of Ennis. Okay, he actually hasn't had any experience doing the Siege of Ennis. But he still had a great time sweating his nuts off on the dancefloor.
*Since I had a bad cough, Mama G, Tor's mom, made me a Hottie Tottie. A shot of whiskey, hot water, and honey. But a "shot" in Irish terms is more like 1/4 of a cup of whiskey. It's supposed to knock you out and have you wake up refreshed the next day. Like a nightcap with medicinal benefits.

While we were at Tor's house, we checked out her old Irish dancing dress. These things are elaborate and expensive. Glittery goodness, bright and vivid colors, and funky wigs. The wig part is still a mystery to us all.
Look! It still fits! 
We left the benefit with some prizes too! Frump won a donut maker, I won a gift basket with two glasses, a bottle of Red wine, and a $30 gift certificate to a restaurant in Jerzey. Tor won a Superbowl gift basket with trinkets from the game, and Andrew...well, he cheered us on for winning things. Oh, and without even being there, Mama G won an Amazon Kindle. No big deal.
My prize :) It's not a Kindle, but it makes ya feel gooooood. 
The next day, we ate some leftovers from a benefit that Tor's parents went too. The leftovers, a tray of yummy Italian goodness, was brought home. It included the cutest heart-shaped ravioli to celebrate that horrible "holiday" endorsed by Hallmark and sappy, romantic couples all over the universe: Valentine's Day. Better known as Singles Awareness Day by those bitter, single, folk. Even though I'm single, I managed to get 3 boxes of chocolate from 3 friends. Yeah, I'm cool like that. I'm gonna be fat too...that's a lot of chocolate.
How cahuute! That weird thing is an eggplant rollitini. 
We relaxed, hung out, laughed (I coughed), watched the Grammy's, and then drove back :( I didn't wanna leave. I was completely content with coming back to New Gross for graduation and staying in Jersey until then. Huff...that dream lives on too.

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