I submitted the previous posting to Thought Catalog. I figured, why not? I've been blogging for almost an entire calendar year. I've written reviews (some of monetary value), and basically opened up a majority of my personal life to the wild, world called the Internet. People I don't even know are reading my unique vocabulary and diving into the random fuckness that my life entails. It's whatever at this point. Now the only thing I'm thinking about is my previous post. Passive aggressive? Slightly. But maybe I just wanted to get my point across before I really have to tell the person I'm "seeing" that that's how I feel. Huff, I'm sweating with nervousness. I probably just screwed myself in the a-hole.
Meh. Whatevs. It's not like it hasn't happened before. I'll let you think of that any way you like.
one of my life goals is to submit an article to thought catalog. passive aggressive? a wee bit. but nonetheless, good for you. love you!