Because we all bitch about it...
3. BBM ruins relationships. There is something so sinister about the little “D” that appears above your sent BBM. For non-Blackberry users, this means your message has been delivered, but not yet read. Your message is sent and now you wait. Five minutes have passed and you start to panic a little. “Why hasn’t he/she read my BBM yet?” you wonder. “He/she must hate me, right?” No! Chill the fuck out. Put down the phone before you send a crazy “Well obviously you’re ignoring me” text. Sexual politics are confusing enough without the help of instant messengers that make it seem like you should be talking 24/7 simply because you can.
Source: 5 Reasons I Hate Cell Phones (And You Should To)
The doings of a twenty-something fish in a rather big pond. Sometimes I don't know what the rules are and I may come off as not-so ladylike. But I learn as I go. I meet interesting people and I do interesting things. This blog has no theme, just adventures. It's for anyone who likes to read about absolutely nothing. It's a reflection on the randomness called my life. I'm bound to hit a few bumps in the road, so why not share them with the rest of the world (I guess).
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
"Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished."
Wisely said by Justin Vernon, the amazing voice behind Bon Iver. The band's name relates to the French term "bon hiver" meaning "good winter," considering their 2007 debut album, For Emma, Forever Ago, was recorded in his dad's Wisconsin cabin. Talk about cabin fever. But if that means you churn out a successful album in THREE MONTHS, (along with the breakup of your former band, coping with an ending relationship, and dealing with mononucleosis) than that's something to be proud of. Who said isolation needs to be depressing? Some great artists make beautiful things during difficult times in their lives.
Their latest compilation of amazing, woodsy sounds, eponymously named Bon Iver is on a different path of musical genius compared to For Emma. Some of the song titles resemble cities - both existent and non-existent (i.e. Hinnom, TX). And although For Emma was recorded in his dad's cabin, this second album was recorded in a remodled veterinarian clinic in Wisconsin. How sick! Ugh, this makes love them even more.
I recently read a Pitchfork interview with Vernon and he certainly knows how to answer questions so eloquently. I felt like I was reading an indie rock version of Obama's speeches. Mr. Prezzy Poo knows how to interview well too! Some semi-motivational, awe-inspiring quotage from Vernon's interview:
On the topic of his ex-girlfriend Christy Smith, who is rumored to be who "Skinny Love" was about:
"I'm not afraid to talk about it, but how do you guarantee it's accurate? To say that "Skinny Love" is about Christy would not be entirely accurate. We dated and she's an incredibly important person that I lived with for a long time, but it's about that time in a relationship that I was going through; you're in a relationship because you need help, but that's not necessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight. Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished."
On the perception of truth:
"I began realizing that it wasn't important for me to concern myself with the perception of truth. It's like a giant metaphor for high school-- people think or say certain things, and those ideas get amplified via telephone and, all of a sudden, somebody's a dick or a racist. I just want to know that, no matter what the perception of me as a person is, I can live with who I actually am. But I find it funny that the stories are wrong. It goes to show that even the indie rock world-- which is supposed to be about truth and independence from corporate mindfulness or something-- is totally subject to the paraphernalia of celebrity."
On writing songs about friends:
"I never thought like that before but, with Emma, people always ask me, "Did you ever second-guess how it was about all these people once the record got big?" I have to reiterate that the album was more about me than anything. Emma isn't a person as much as it's a place and a time. The reality is, if you're friends with somebody you should be able to be honest with them, and that honesty should be the biggest magnet to truth. I've had conversations with the people that the songs regard and, while it can be uncomfortable or awkward, I feel like we're in a very celebratory, loving place. Especially on the new record, I feel like there's nothing but yee-haw vibes about these people."
On being one's self in a relationship:
"[...]no matter how much you care about a person, you have to be able to know that you can sit down at night and be happy with who you are without that person. That's really hard when you're a lonely emo kid. But you can do it. You should be able to have happiness. If you don't have that, then you're not really bringing your whole self to the relationship. You're using each other as a crutch. But I could be totally fucking wrong."
On changing the name of his group:
"[...]You never have to be scared about who you are. You never have to be scared to look to the future for opportunity. You never have to change your scene because you're always comfortable with evolving. It's about the opportunity to never have to worry about being something someone expects you to be-- you just have to be who you are."
Clearly, I was intrigued by his answers (see bolded, colorful quotage!). I absolutely agreed with his statement about being honest about those you know. Sometimes honesty is what causes people, including myself, to be fearful. They run away from it. They don't wanna believe it. But it's truth. And sometimes it sucks. But oftentimes it occurs for a reason. Some mysterious, unknowing reason. Holocene.
Their latest compilation of amazing, woodsy sounds, eponymously named Bon Iver is on a different path of musical genius compared to For Emma. Some of the song titles resemble cities - both existent and non-existent (i.e. Hinnom, TX). And although For Emma was recorded in his dad's cabin, this second album was recorded in a remodled veterinarian clinic in Wisconsin. How sick! Ugh, this makes love them even more.
I recently read a Pitchfork interview with Vernon and he certainly knows how to answer questions so eloquently. I felt like I was reading an indie rock version of Obama's speeches. Mr. Prezzy Poo knows how to interview well too! Some semi-motivational, awe-inspiring quotage from Vernon's interview:
On the topic of his ex-girlfriend Christy Smith, who is rumored to be who "Skinny Love" was about:
"I'm not afraid to talk about it, but how do you guarantee it's accurate? To say that "Skinny Love" is about Christy would not be entirely accurate. We dated and she's an incredibly important person that I lived with for a long time, but it's about that time in a relationship that I was going through; you're in a relationship because you need help, but that's not necessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight. Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished."
On the perception of truth:
"I began realizing that it wasn't important for me to concern myself with the perception of truth. It's like a giant metaphor for high school-- people think or say certain things, and those ideas get amplified via telephone and, all of a sudden, somebody's a dick or a racist. I just want to know that, no matter what the perception of me as a person is, I can live with who I actually am. But I find it funny that the stories are wrong. It goes to show that even the indie rock world-- which is supposed to be about truth and independence from corporate mindfulness or something-- is totally subject to the paraphernalia of celebrity."
On writing songs about friends:
"I never thought like that before but, with Emma, people always ask me, "Did you ever second-guess how it was about all these people once the record got big?" I have to reiterate that the album was more about me than anything. Emma isn't a person as much as it's a place and a time. The reality is, if you're friends with somebody you should be able to be honest with them, and that honesty should be the biggest magnet to truth. I've had conversations with the people that the songs regard and, while it can be uncomfortable or awkward, I feel like we're in a very celebratory, loving place. Especially on the new record, I feel like there's nothing but yee-haw vibes about these people."
On being one's self in a relationship:
"[...]no matter how much you care about a person, you have to be able to know that you can sit down at night and be happy with who you are without that person. That's really hard when you're a lonely emo kid. But you can do it. You should be able to have happiness. If you don't have that, then you're not really bringing your whole self to the relationship. You're using each other as a crutch. But I could be totally fucking wrong."
On changing the name of his group:
"[...]You never have to be scared about who you are. You never have to be scared to look to the future for opportunity. You never have to change your scene because you're always comfortable with evolving. It's about the opportunity to never have to worry about being something someone expects you to be-- you just have to be who you are."
Clearly, I was intrigued by his answers (see bolded, colorful quotage!). I absolutely agreed with his statement about being honest about those you know. Sometimes honesty is what causes people, including myself, to be fearful. They run away from it. They don't wanna believe it. But it's truth. And sometimes it sucks. But oftentimes it occurs for a reason. Some mysterious, unknowing reason. Holocene.
Because sometimes we just need time...lots of time.
I promise to update all who care (very few of you) about my stellar weekend with friends at the Dave Matthews Band Caravan show in Atlantic City, NJ. It was the first stop of his 4 city "tour thing" that guarantees three nights of DMB and other amazing artists like O.A.R., David Gray, Thievery Corporation, Damien Marley and Bassnectar. Yah, I know the last one is kind of out there and doesn't relate sound wise to the other artists but it was still a bright and exciting artist to see amongst everyone else. Other artists that will be seen at the future shows (Lakeside in Chicago, Governors Island in New York, and The Gorge in Washington) include John Butler Trio, The Roots, Kid Cudi, and...Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.
Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it.
Like whyyyy couldn't they be in AC? WHY?!
Oh well. Before I die I will see them perform and maybe I'll be lucky enough to be asked to be part of their group. I can play the triangle. And I told myself I'd learn how to the play the ukelele.
I just bought a ukelele just now after having a ten minute conversation with my awesome co-worker about Christopher Guest movies and mini harps. We tried Googling the actual name for those tiny azz harps. My forthcoming new musical instrament and latest hobby will be coming in about a week. It's bright green and sparkly. Somewhat like my personality but I just wished I was a little more sparkly.
The Pixies definitely asked the right question: Where is my mind?
Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it.
Like whyyyy couldn't they be in AC? WHY?!
Oh well. Before I die I will see them perform and maybe I'll be lucky enough to be asked to be part of their group. I can play the triangle. And I told myself I'd learn how to the play the ukelele.
I just bought a ukelele just now after having a ten minute conversation with my awesome co-worker about Christopher Guest movies and mini harps. We tried Googling the actual name for those tiny azz harps. My forthcoming new musical instrament and latest hobby will be coming in about a week. It's bright green and sparkly. Somewhat like my personality but I just wished I was a little more sparkly.
The Pixies definitely asked the right question: Where is my mind?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sidenote to previous posting...
I submitted the previous posting to Thought Catalog. I figured, why not? I've been blogging for almost an entire calendar year. I've written reviews (some of monetary value), and basically opened up a majority of my personal life to the wild, world called the Internet. People I don't even know are reading my unique vocabulary and diving into the random fuckness that my life entails. It's whatever at this point. Now the only thing I'm thinking about is my previous post. Passive aggressive? Slightly. But maybe I just wanted to get my point across before I really have to tell the person I'm "seeing" that that's how I feel. Huff, I'm sweating with nervousness. I probably just screwed myself in the a-hole.
Meh. Whatevs. It's not like it hasn't happened before. I'll let you think of that any way you like.
Meh. Whatevs. It's not like it hasn't happened before. I'll let you think of that any way you like.
On the topic of (mind) games.
Games are meant to be played out of fun and leisure. Get a group together for some monopoly, ask your dad to play a game of chess, playfully compete with your best friend at a game of beer pong. Things of that nature.
Games shouldn't be played to hurt someone - wouldn't a game be considered ironic if that was the case? Hurtful games involving emotions and unkind doings are just...sOoOoOo not nice. Mind games suck. They truly do. Because let's say you're dating someone. You both have been burned in the past and are trying to NOT do what you've done in the past - because getting burned one too many times sucks balls and honestly, you both don't need to go through what you've gone through before. You're both young, vivacious, weird, and pretty fucking good-looking, so you really have no time to deal with bullshit.
At the same time, dating someone new is where a game, like chess, begins to be set up. They're organizing their pieces on the board as you do the same thing. Dating is strategic. It should be fun and exciting but it no way shape or form are you going to make yourself vulnerable to someone who you consider a rival in the beginning.
You show them your moves and they counterattack. It's a back and forth of impressing, showing up, and a little flirting with some friends to show them, "Hey, you're not the only important one here." But there comes a time in this whole dating "thing" you're both trying to figure out when the games just become a bit too much. Are they seriously needed after the many times you've hung out? You've already established a liking to hanging out with this person, you two talk frequently, you "like" each other's Facebook lives, and so forth.
But do you have the courage to say the games need to stop? Absolutely not. You still don't know where they stand and they don't know where you stand either. You refrain from communicating too much as to not be considered a bother to the other party. You lay a little low but still hope they contact you. And they're probably thinking the same thing - but what sucks is that you. just. don't. know.
You're both playing the game. You both want to win without giving in. It sucks because what if the game never ends and this "thing" doesn't go anywhere? You're at a loss. You ask your friends for advice and take it but at the same time you can't stand this "silence." You want to contact this person but tell yourself "Nay, nay put the phone down, bitch." You get cranky and try to counterattack with cool weekend Facebook recaps. Give me a fucking break - you both are miserable. But not really because you have great groups of friends that can hopefully distract you from this person. Trivia night? Hell yeah, I'm down. Anything to get my mind off hearing from this person I'm kinda-sorta-probably-dating (which would be great to say I am dating this person if we could just fucking communicate like we used to!).
There comes a point where one of you has to give in just a wittle bit. And I consider whoever that is to be the brave one. And I give many props for doing so. It ends the silence (hopefully), re-establishes interest, and assures the other party that things are in full swing. Unless they're immortal and decide "Eh, I'm over!"
But either way, you take risks. You give yourself some sort of closure so you're not sitting around wondering what's going on. Even if things don't work out, you find out that they didn't work out instead of sitting around in silence, watching your hair turn gray. You're too good-looking to sit around waiting for your hair to turn gray.
Games shouldn't be played to hurt someone - wouldn't a game be considered ironic if that was the case? Hurtful games involving emotions and unkind doings are just...sOoOoOo not nice. Mind games suck. They truly do. Because let's say you're dating someone. You both have been burned in the past and are trying to NOT do what you've done in the past - because getting burned one too many times sucks balls and honestly, you both don't need to go through what you've gone through before. You're both young, vivacious, weird, and pretty fucking good-looking, so you really have no time to deal with bullshit.
At the same time, dating someone new is where a game, like chess, begins to be set up. They're organizing their pieces on the board as you do the same thing. Dating is strategic. It should be fun and exciting but it no way shape or form are you going to make yourself vulnerable to someone who you consider a rival in the beginning.
You show them your moves and they counterattack. It's a back and forth of impressing, showing up, and a little flirting with some friends to show them, "Hey, you're not the only important one here." But there comes a time in this whole dating "thing" you're both trying to figure out when the games just become a bit too much. Are they seriously needed after the many times you've hung out? You've already established a liking to hanging out with this person, you two talk frequently, you "like" each other's Facebook lives, and so forth.
But do you have the courage to say the games need to stop? Absolutely not. You still don't know where they stand and they don't know where you stand either. You refrain from communicating too much as to not be considered a bother to the other party. You lay a little low but still hope they contact you. And they're probably thinking the same thing - but what sucks is that you. just. don't. know.
You're both playing the game. You both want to win without giving in. It sucks because what if the game never ends and this "thing" doesn't go anywhere? You're at a loss. You ask your friends for advice and take it but at the same time you can't stand this "silence." You want to contact this person but tell yourself "Nay, nay put the phone down, bitch." You get cranky and try to counterattack with cool weekend Facebook recaps. Give me a fucking break - you both are miserable. But not really because you have great groups of friends that can hopefully distract you from this person. Trivia night? Hell yeah, I'm down. Anything to get my mind off hearing from this person I'm kinda-sorta-probably-dating (which would be great to say I am dating this person if we could just fucking communicate like we used to!).
There comes a point where one of you has to give in just a wittle bit. And I consider whoever that is to be the brave one. And I give many props for doing so. It ends the silence (hopefully), re-establishes interest, and assures the other party that things are in full swing. Unless they're immortal and decide "Eh, I'm over!"
But either way, you take risks. You give yourself some sort of closure so you're not sitting around wondering what's going on. Even if things don't work out, you find out that they didn't work out instead of sitting around in silence, watching your hair turn gray. You're too good-looking to sit around waiting for your hair to turn gray.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Music I put my laundry away to...
Just a few songs I jammed out to while I sorted through socks and PANTIESSSSSZZZSSZZZSZSZ
Celestica - Crystal Castles (sick video)
Skinny Love (Das Kapital Rerub) - Bon Iver
Enter Galactic - Kid Cudi
Celestica - Crystal Castles (sick video)
Skinny Love (Das Kapital Rerub) - Bon Iver
Enter Galactic - Kid Cudi
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Last night ("I let the party get the best of me//Waking up in the morning, two hoes laying next to me")...Baha had to say it - that song has been on the radio for a while now. But anyways, last night I went to the city and went to dinnah with RCC (Really Cool Chick). I call her Goose though.
I haven't really gotten the chance to explore the cool eating places and hang outs of L.E.S. I mean, the only reason I headed down that way was when Cooper 35 was still around (R.I.P. wahh). That place was BOMB - cheap grub, cheap STRONG drinks, fun crowd, chill atmosphere (they left old Valentine's Day decorations up probably from way before the biffle nug and I found the place 4 years ago), and it was called an "Asian Pub." Sort of an oxymoron dontcha think? It's closed now, so that forces me to find other places for chill, relaxing hang out seshes with my biddies. Goose recommended this place called Mud, which I've heard of before but only because I've seen their bright, orange ice-cream truck selling coffee on the streets. So cute by the way.
Their physical location was just as cool as their truck. Narrow entrance but in the back there was prime, outdoorish seating. Great for chill, hang timez. The menu was healthful but delish and Mud offered vegetarian/vegan* options for know...hipsters ;)
*Goose be a vegan goose. She's still cool though. So far.
I hadn't had a good salad in a while, so I opted for the MUDmama House Salad - mixed field greens, tomato, carrots, hemp seeds (which I think they forgot to throw in there...bitches), and AVOCADO & orange vinaigrette on the side. It was fresh & good & colorful & scrumptious & so uber hipster that I wanted to rock my personality glasses and hobo hat.
I was hoping to find Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros in the back playing music with his tribe of downtown L.A. hippies. Ugh he makes me jimp...
Maybe next time he'll be there if he's ever in New York. Oh, and something good to point out is this place is CASH ONLY. So bring plenty of moolah so you don't make really cool chicks, like Goose (so far), pay the tab. I owe you, lady! More info on this spectacular spot here:
I haven't really gotten the chance to explore the cool eating places and hang outs of L.E.S. I mean, the only reason I headed down that way was when Cooper 35 was still around (R.I.P. wahh). That place was BOMB - cheap grub, cheap STRONG drinks, fun crowd, chill atmosphere (they left old Valentine's Day decorations up probably from way before the biffle nug and I found the place 4 years ago), and it was called an "Asian Pub." Sort of an oxymoron dontcha think? It's closed now, so that forces me to find other places for chill, relaxing hang out seshes with my biddies. Goose recommended this place called Mud, which I've heard of before but only because I've seen their bright, orange ice-cream truck selling coffee on the streets. So cute by the way.
Their physical location was just as cool as their truck. Narrow entrance but in the back there was prime, outdoorish seating. Great for chill, hang timez. The menu was healthful but delish and Mud offered vegetarian/vegan* options for know...hipsters ;)
*Goose be a vegan goose. She's still cool though. So far.
I hadn't had a good salad in a while, so I opted for the MUDmama House Salad - mixed field greens, tomato, carrots, hemp seeds (which I think they forgot to throw in there...bitches), and AVOCADO & orange vinaigrette on the side. It was fresh & good & colorful & scrumptious & so uber hipster that I wanted to rock my personality glasses and hobo hat.
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I don't know what it is about him... |
If you haven't noticed Lady Gaga's face these days, she's got these extraterrestrial "thingies" protruding from the surface like so...
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ummm okay. |
And I thought my cysts were odd. Anywho, I went grocery shopping a few weeks ago - key word being "weeks" considering I have no food to my name say for the carton of eggs I should be eating and the 3 bottles of zero calorie vitamin water. And instant mashed potatoes my mom gave me the last time I went home. Ugh. I bought avos and I found one that looked just like Gaga!
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Lo and behold - the Gagavocado. |
See it? In the corners? Freaky deaky right?! Totes.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Babe Walker
She is hysterical, yet I have no idea who she is or if she even exists? It's like following Lord Voldemort on Twitter.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Psh, gurlllll...
I think it's kind of funny how girls I went to high school with are now into music they used to not be crazy about or haven't heard of for that matter. I mean c'mon now, you're into Avicii and you went to Ultra in Miami and saw Swedish House Mafia? Are you fo' reallllll?! You spent all of high school listening to Howie Day and watched One Tree Hill. You went shopping in groups to the mall and hung out with the elite IN crowd that consisted of the really good-looking established male athletes from our sister school down the road (funny how our "sister school" was an all-boys Catholic prep school...holla atcha gurlll). You didn't really curse a lot accept for a few minor words like "hell," "damn", and "oh, sugar!" And when you drank, let me tell you, it was suuuuuch a big deal because you and your crew were cool enough to go down to Dewey (without your parents), build a fire on the beach and drink Peach Schnapps and drink Natty Ice. Didn't know this was that scene under the bleachers in Virgin Suicides...but okay. I'm such a bitch for categorizing "straight edge" chicks who I was friends with at a time in my life. I actually enjoyed their company and okay, fine I admit it - I watched One Tree Hill too. For a bit. But in no way, shape or form do I find Chad Michael Murray dreamy and hawt. He is a great-looking guy and very attractive but that sole fact makes me unattracted to him if that makes sense. Besides, I was wayyyy more into watching The O.C. Seth Cohen, I will forever adore your skinny jew-boy a$$.
Considering I always thought I was ahead of the curve listening to obscure artists and bands before the entire universe creamed their pants months later when their hit songs would blow up radio stations probably makes me speak this way. And in this tone. Again, apologies for crabby bitch tones. If I saw these people in person I probably wouldn't flat out say things like this to their faces. But maybe chuckle a bit, question their liking to a certain artist/band, and then say "Oh. Okay!"
But don't you ever feel remotely super cool when a song you loved months ago is only now becoming a popular single that everyone is playing on repeat? You just sit there and say nonchalantly/slightly (un)interested, like I do, "Oh, yeah...I put this on my iPod like months ago."
I think now I've let the whole Grr-I-knew-about-this-band/artist-before-you-did attitude subside a bit. But I just wanna make two things clear: I was listening to techno music wayyyy before I moved to New York! And everyone who is in love with Mumford & Sons can suck on my clam because the Port Lodge crew heard them wayyy before they were popular in the states!
Considering I always thought I was ahead of the curve listening to obscure artists and bands before the entire universe creamed their pants months later when their hit songs would blow up radio stations probably makes me speak this way. And in this tone. Again, apologies for crabby bitch tones. If I saw these people in person I probably wouldn't flat out say things like this to their faces. But maybe chuckle a bit, question their liking to a certain artist/band, and then say "Oh. Okay!"
But don't you ever feel remotely super cool when a song you loved months ago is only now becoming a popular single that everyone is playing on repeat? You just sit there and say nonchalantly/slightly (un)interested, like I do, "Oh, yeah...I put this on my iPod like months ago."
I think now I've let the whole Grr-I-knew-about-this-band/artist-before-you-did attitude subside a bit. But I just wanna make two things clear: I was listening to techno music wayyyy before I moved to New York! And everyone who is in love with Mumford & Sons can suck on my clam because the Port Lodge crew heard them wayyy before they were popular in the states!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
The epic beer commercial (allegedly).
I don't know how I feel about this commercial. It's quite odd with the array of late 70s themes going on. This is the latest commercial for Australian beer company Hahn. I like the ferret at the end :)
Most Epic Beer Commercial - Hahn Super Dry
Most Epic Beer Commercial - Hahn Super Dry
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I Played With Fire And I Didn't Get Burned...
"I’m watching the pieces of my adult life fall together, and even though you could say I’m finding a settling ground in where I am and where I’m going, there’s still plenty risk to be had. I tend to bear my heart on my sleeve and wear my emotions like a charm bracelet—tacked with the obvious scars of my life. I fall hard and solid and strong every day...
I guess what I’m getting at here is that maybe we all need to light up a bit more with the pyrotechnics of life. This slightly eschewed rant on my bold (ok, insane) maneuvers was more a kick in the ass character building experience than anything else. But it got me here. Right where I should be. My best word of advice to anyone stuck on the see-saw of choice: do something new, try something different and take a risk going down a road that might just be a dead end. But find out. Because even if the worst happens, you’ll bounce back with the luggage of experience.
Besides, don’t we tend to regret more what we have not done—those missed opportunities and the question of the unknown—more than we do the mistakes we made from taking a risk?"
- Eli Ash
To read full article click here.
I guess what I’m getting at here is that maybe we all need to light up a bit more with the pyrotechnics of life. This slightly eschewed rant on my bold (ok, insane) maneuvers was more a kick in the ass character building experience than anything else. But it got me here. Right where I should be. My best word of advice to anyone stuck on the see-saw of choice: do something new, try something different and take a risk going down a road that might just be a dead end. But find out. Because even if the worst happens, you’ll bounce back with the luggage of experience.
Besides, don’t we tend to regret more what we have not done—those missed opportunities and the question of the unknown—more than we do the mistakes we made from taking a risk?"
- Eli Ash
To read full article click here.
Happy Day.
For some odd reason, I was in good spirits yesterday. I have absofuckinglutely no idea why I was in such a good mood but I was. I had work to do at the office but I wasn't overwhelmed with heaps of work nor was I insanely bored. I had some great convos with mah peeps while I was the office via my crackberry. Even talking with a few of my co-workers was just awesome too. I met up with a good friend fo' dinnah last night and had an amazing time. We caught up on old stuff and discussed new stuff, exchanging advice on an array of things that we were both going through. The catch-up dinner was not only delish but it was comforting too. I'm glad that he was doing well and he also said he was having an awesome day. Was it because we both were recently employed? Maybe. Was it because we were both going through some life changes recently? Could be.Was it because I now I have more time to pursue other interests and not have to worry about crew, class, tests, and being jobless? Partly. I'm fortunate to be able to have great conversation and feel comfortable around someone I haven't seen in 8 months.We kinda could just tell that planning this dinner was just gonna go in the right direction and it did :)
"I could tell when I saw you that you were really happy," he said to me when we drove into the city for...SUSHIIIIIIII. Noms. The place was Momoya in Chelsea. Cool ambiance, but a bit loud. Great prices for some awesome sushi. Shoulda took pics. Damn. Next time.
Yesterday was just unexplainably great. I almost tweeted this saying: "It's disgusting how happy I am today."
Although yesterday was great, I'm still skeptical about how long this happy streak will last. And I have a feeling it won't. I remember time after time feeling like everything is slowlyyyy falling into place only to have the rug pulled right underneath me. Looking back on yesterday, I asked myself, "Wait a minute. There's is something terribly wrong with this picture. Why is today running smoothly? This is unreal."
It's not a crime to be this happy because I have friends who are super duper happy all the time. I should probably learn from them. When I studied abroad in Australia, there was a rumor that Australians were such friendly people because they were in the sun all the time - granted, the sun down under isn't humid, sticky hot like in Amuuurica.
We'll see how far along I go with this good mood I'm in. I'll probably have my crabby fits with my stank face on occasionally but who doesn't?*
*this is mainly due to the fact that our new place is an ice box in the morning (central air being revved up to maximum coldness is so unnecessary) and when I leave my room to pee, I dread making that 30 foot walk down the freezing cold hallway. Wahh.
I'm falling into my own rather comfortably. But I'm still fearful of "fucking shit up" as I would say to my friends. "Just ride the wave," as my friend said last night. Mind you, he is no surfer. But I'll take his advice.
Here's a great article from Thoughtcatalog about happiness that I slightly agree with:
Things That Make People Happy.
(especially the part about the Internet. Ant & I were in deep conversation about it last night, about how it's addicting like drogas. Eh, not good). Reading this article actually put me in good spirits. Bahh, the little things in life! <<Insert dancing BBM smiley here>>
PS: What also made me happy was finding out about two fun activities Tor and I will be doing this summer: she got us tickets to JIG, the Irish Dancing documentary we've been creamin' to see and now it's finally out and we're going to the city next week to see it. Whoo! I blogged about it back in February. Also, we're planning yet another Catskills weekend. No phone service, no glamorous living. Just the mountains, some DMB tunes, and great company to soak up the sun with :)
"I could tell when I saw you that you were really happy," he said to me when we drove into the city for...SUSHIIIIIIII. Noms. The place was Momoya in Chelsea. Cool ambiance, but a bit loud. Great prices for some awesome sushi. Shoulda took pics. Damn. Next time.
Yesterday was just unexplainably great. I almost tweeted this saying: "It's disgusting how happy I am today."
Although yesterday was great, I'm still skeptical about how long this happy streak will last. And I have a feeling it won't. I remember time after time feeling like everything is slowlyyyy falling into place only to have the rug pulled right underneath me. Looking back on yesterday, I asked myself, "Wait a minute. There's is something terribly wrong with this picture. Why is today running smoothly? This is unreal."
It's not a crime to be this happy because I have friends who are super duper happy all the time. I should probably learn from them. When I studied abroad in Australia, there was a rumor that Australians were such friendly people because they were in the sun all the time - granted, the sun down under isn't humid, sticky hot like in Amuuurica.
We'll see how far along I go with this good mood I'm in. I'll probably have my crabby fits with my stank face on occasionally but who doesn't?*
*this is mainly due to the fact that our new place is an ice box in the morning (central air being revved up to maximum coldness is so unnecessary) and when I leave my room to pee, I dread making that 30 foot walk down the freezing cold hallway. Wahh.
I'm falling into my own rather comfortably. But I'm still fearful of "fucking shit up" as I would say to my friends. "Just ride the wave," as my friend said last night. Mind you, he is no surfer. But I'll take his advice.
Here's a great article from Thoughtcatalog about happiness that I slightly agree with:
Things That Make People Happy.
(especially the part about the Internet. Ant & I were in deep conversation about it last night, about how it's addicting like drogas. Eh, not good). Reading this article actually put me in good spirits. Bahh, the little things in life! <<Insert dancing BBM smiley here>>
PS: What also made me happy was finding out about two fun activities Tor and I will be doing this summer: she got us tickets to JIG, the Irish Dancing documentary we've been creamin' to see and now it's finally out and we're going to the city next week to see it. Whoo! I blogged about it back in February. Also, we're planning yet another Catskills weekend. No phone service, no glamorous living. Just the mountains, some DMB tunes, and great company to soak up the sun with :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
This song never gets old...
I wanna be your love, I wanna make you cry,
And sweep you off your feet. I wanna hurt your pride,
I wanna slap your face, I wanna paint your nails.
I wanna make you scream, I wanna braid your hair,
I wanna kiss your friends. I wanna make you laugh,
I wanna dress the same, I wanna defend you.
I wanna squeeze your thighs, I wanna kiss your eyelids,
And corrupt your dreams. I wanna crash your car,
I wanna scratch your cheeks, I wanna make you sick.
I wanna sell you out, Want to expose your flaws,
I wanna steal your things. I wanna show you off,
I wanna tell you lies, I wanna write you books.
I wanna turn you on, I wanna make you come,
Two hundred times a day. I wanna dry your tears, E
very time you're sad, I wanna be your what's happening.
I wanna be your only friend.
I only go all the way. This time I'm not pretending.
I can't the trash, your trashy friends are spreading about us.
They got like fifty personalities. Oh girl, that's so messed up.
You see that sculpture on the hill, that's where she cleared me out
Forever. They're monitoring my subconscious massacres, I know.
Bringing it closer to the surface. So it's easily pervertable, oh oh.
I wanna be your beast, I wanna make you proud,
And play with your head. I wanna take you out,
Make you feel adored, And buy you everything.
I wanna hurt you bad, Make you paranoid,
And say the sweetest things. I wanna help you grow,
And for eternity, I wanna be your what's happening.
What's happening.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sunday Jams.
I took on a few home improvement projects today after running errands with Boobalah, which reminds me...
While said home improvement projects were being done, I let Kramer my pet iPod play some tuneage. Here are a few songs I listened to. I'd say these call for a dance party in the future. This works like an ordinary iPizzle - you press play. You can pause, go forward, go back. But you can't put it on shuffle. Clowns.
While said home improvement projects were being done, I let Kramer my pet iPod play some tuneage. Here are a few songs I listened to. I'd say these call for a dance party in the future. This works like an ordinary iPizzle - you press play. You can pause, go forward, go back. But you can't put it on shuffle. Clowns.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
"We made energy with za floor bouncing"
Frump & I watched Extreme Barhopping on the Travel Channel. Why? Because we fucking can. I really wanna go to Club Watt in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Club Watt is considered the most eco-conscious club in the world and this is why...
I kinda enjoy half-listening to infomercials for pathetic gadgets.
But these four words are the reason why I wanna go to Club Watt: ENERGYHARVESTINGDANCEFLOOR.
Club Watt is considered the most eco-conscious club in the world and this is why...
Essentially, people who dance on the EH dance floor are generating power for the lights surrounding the dance floor as well as the lights in the floor, and the music too. It's almost like saying you can't stop dancing or else the whole club will lose power. That's a lot of pressure for someone to dance their ass off. But who wouldn't wanna dance their ass off when the floor lights up in an array of colors with every move they make? Takes me back to those L.A. Lights shoes I rocked when I was a youngin'. Holla.
I wish I could dance like dis :\
I wish I could dance like dis :\
Quote of the Day
"Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy, contented spirit."
- Lillie Langtry
- Lillie Langtry
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Learning how to be Assertive...Grr
Looking at the previous Marketing Assistant's e-mails to different vendors and contacts gave me the idea of how to communicate with these people now that she's gone. Initially, I'm rather kind and patient upon waiting for a response from the people I need to be in contact with. However, playing the waiting game has not always been my forte, despite that fact that I'm forced to wait on a lot of things (a steady, drama-free relationship, paying off overdue bills, losing a few lbs. - but the last takes A LOT of effort on my part...I'm quite lax with that one).
I've started "following-up"* with contacts, by putting the phrase "Please advise" at the end of the e-mails.
*"following-up" meaning jumping down their throats after not getting a response from them in the first place. But gracefully, you know? I'm not about to say, "Listen asshole, you still have NOT replied to my numerous e-mails. When I said ASAP I meant it. I didn't mean in a few days so you can think it over. I meant NOW! How hard is it to do your job?! Huff! Get back to me or die."
I've noticed that I'm getting more readily responses after writing "Please advise." I felt like a bitch the first time I used it when I didn't get pertinent information regarding a conference. But then I got a response ten minutes later!
I found this article on how to improve one's business writing and how the term "Please advise" can turn into a habit.
Am I beginning to turn into a Power Bitch? In due time, maybe. I'll be able to answer phone calls without being too timid to give a shit about who hears me and deal with sales calls with ease. But for now, I still insist on ending my e-mails with my usual "Kind regards," accompanied by my fancy schmancy signature I'm required to put at the end of work e-mails. I'm suuuuuch a grownup.
Kind regards,
I've started "following-up"* with contacts, by putting the phrase "Please advise" at the end of the e-mails.
*"following-up" meaning jumping down their throats after not getting a response from them in the first place. But gracefully, you know? I'm not about to say, "Listen asshole, you still have NOT replied to my numerous e-mails. When I said ASAP I meant it. I didn't mean in a few days so you can think it over. I meant NOW! How hard is it to do your job?! Huff! Get back to me or die."
I've noticed that I'm getting more readily responses after writing "Please advise." I felt like a bitch the first time I used it when I didn't get pertinent information regarding a conference. But then I got a response ten minutes later!
I found this article on how to improve one's business writing and how the term "Please advise" can turn into a habit.
Am I beginning to turn into a Power Bitch? In due time, maybe. I'll be able to answer phone calls without being too timid to give a shit about who hears me and deal with sales calls with ease. But for now, I still insist on ending my e-mails with my usual "Kind regards," accompanied by my fancy schmancy signature I'm required to put at the end of work e-mails. I'm suuuuuch a grownup.
Kind regards,
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