Friday, June 1, 2012

Tres palabras

If only I could flat out say it. If I didn't freak myself out before even thinking about saying it.

To me, there's a difference. There's a time and a place that just makes it feel right; makes it feel better. When you say it, you have to mean it. No routine, no doing anyone favors, just mean it. You can't half-ass the words because then it won't make sense, it won't be true. You're better off not saying anything if you don't mean it at all. It hurts when it's not true.

You can say it to some people like good friends and family. When you say it to them, you mean it platonically, honestly but lovingly nonetheless. It comes out without hesitation - you're used to it.

But when you say it to someone you truly care about, someone you can see yourself sharing laughs, kisses, tears, hardships and romance with, it takes time and a little courage to say it.

Sometimes you can't even write it, can't type it, can't rehearse it either. You make short-handed versions of the term as a way of lessening the strike and impact. You certainly don't want to scare away  the pigeons or be too forward.

To some people it's not a big deal but to others it means everything. To the one's it matters to, it's like a revelation of some sort. It can be realized when you wake up in the morning or on your commute to work. It can be realized when you see an advertisement on the subway or if you hear something familiar, see something familiar, smell something familiar.

To the people it matters to, it can't be rushed. We want to hear it but we can't force it either. It may be difficult to talk about; more awkward if anything. You don't really know how to bring it up. You can't smoothly transition to a different topic after the mentioning of it.

You know what I'm talking about...those three words...

I shit myself.

Okay, okay, okay. Obviously, I ruined this post. Or did I? I obviously am still trying to find a way of expressing my...emotions. So this is a start, right? I know it but I still can't say it. So I joke about it, "to lessen the strike and impact." Have a lovely weekend, everyone. Happy June 1st :)


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