2. The guy who predicted the Rapture and failed - because he was wrong and he received massive amounts of shit for it.
3. Billy Idol - because he's over his pissing/spitting/not-giving-a-fuck phase.
4. That guy at parties who thinks he's the shit at beerpong - because eventually he'll lose and beat himself up about it and it's kinda funny watching him lose.
5. Tom Cruise - wait, he's not tolerable.
6. That guy at the bar who gets sloshed beyond belief and tries to have a conversation with you - because you can always walk away without pissing him off; he's too hammered to notice you're gone.
7. The CEO of that company you interned for - you haaaated him while you were there but now you don't really have to worry about him pissing you off for not taking you seriously. You're free!
8. The CEO of that company you're currently working for - you have little to no interaction with him because of your status on the totem pole. And since you don't work with him/her, you can listen to everyone else bitch about how he/she's not as smart as the public thinks he is.
9. Your roommate - when he does annoy the shit out of you for whatever he does, you have your own room to seek solace in. And since you're working, you're not around long enough for him to bother you. You don't really know what it is that he does to bother, but you do know he does bother you. Alas, you certainly don't mind hanging out doing "bro stuff" here and there!*
*your roommate doesn't even belong on this list...simply a filler because the author of this list has slight OCD and needs to work with even numbers at odd times during the day. Weirdo.
10. Your dad - because despite the shitty things that he does or has done in the past, you still love him.
10. Your dad - because despite the shitty things that he does or has done in the past, you still love him.
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