Please watch how cute these fuckers are. I think when I come home in the early morning, hopefully as the sun is rising, I'll put on 500 Days of Summer. Everyone have a safe and joyous new year and ring it in with someone who isn't a douchebag. Muah muahs to all :)
What Are You Doing New Years Eve? by Zooey & Joseph :)
I'll also leave you with some humorous NYE banter I had with my best friend from Delaware, Stephy poo...
Steph: Man, I wish you were gonna be here for new years...actually, nevermind. You wouldn't wanna be here for new years, would you...
Me: Yeah, no I wouldn't wanna be here for new years. Because last time I was here for new years, Georgie fingered me in your beach house.
[[awkward silence]]
Steph: I...uhh, wasn't expecting you to say that. But okay!
The doings of a twenty-something fish in a rather big pond. Sometimes I don't know what the rules are and I may come off as not-so ladylike. But I learn as I go. I meet interesting people and I do interesting things. This blog has no theme, just adventures. It's for anyone who likes to read about absolutely nothing. It's a reflection on the randomness called my life. I'm bound to hit a few bumps in the road, so why not share them with the rest of the world (I guess).
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
This is how Santa really felt...
Skrillex's official music video for "Ruffneck." So festive - it truly captures America's financial crisis through the eyes of a "jolly, old fellow." Enjoy!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Good tidings!
With Christmas vastly approaching, I thought I'd post something since I've been M.I.A. for the past two days due to high volumes of Christmas-themed chaos (present shopping, drinking to stay sane, crying over using my credit card, not knowing what to get certain people, etc.). Here are two great holiday ha-ha videos...Oh, and if you celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Christmahanukwanzaakah, then I can't help you. The last video is the best...
Icy Step
Christmas puppies
Icy Step
Christmas puppies
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The waiting game
This winter has not only been sporadic in terms of weather but also in terms of my personal life. Not trying to sound thought-provoking, it's not like I'm going to get published in #ThoughtCatalog anytime soon. But I've encountered some of the most interesting situations recently and I'm not sure what to think of them. Some good, some bad (maybe?), many certainly confusing. I guess my boss was right, "The universe works in mysterious ways." I stop reading my horoscope when things get a little weird.
Probably one of the many deep articles I've read on TC include Chelsea Fagan's recent one You Don't Need to Say Anything. We always say those words but we sometimes expect the person we say it to to respond. We want an answer, we just don't ask for one. Sometimes because we don't want to look vulnerable, or because we don't know how to say things a certain way, or simply because we're just downright confused about whatever it is that's on our mind and we just don't know how to say it.
Fagan wrote about burning bridges with people who played a significant role at one time in her life but now are just fleeting memories she either intentionally or unintentionally "left untended for years until weeds grew through it and the railing fell apart and it became something you might take a black-and-white picture of, but you could never cross again."
It was kind of sad to read but then again, what relevant-to-one's-life TC article isn't? It was sad in a sense that all I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs was, "FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!"
Not really. But still.
In a twentysomething's mindset, "letting people down easy" is just plain wrong. To me, I think it's honest and less confusing - it keeps parties from guessing how a situation is currently sitting. You simply say it, wish each other well (if applicable), and go on living life. It's not hard, it shouldn't hurt (if it does, learn from it), and it's less time-consuming. I think I'm trying to sell honesty in an infomercial here.
I have left many a bridge unburned, simply because I didn't know what was going on. I'm a bit of a space cadet (probably an understatement according to my social circle) and yeah, I have the tendency to look far into things. But rather thancrying for a few days jumping to conclusions, I force myself to simply just sit and wait. Patience is a virtue that I fail to put to practice on my own. I think we have instant messaging, text, BBM, a spoiled childhood, etc. to thank for all of our impatience.
But can you blame me for not wondering how things pan out? After getting played over the summer (along with failed attempts at dating), I tried to avoid going down the same route twice. But I think there's a pattern in my dating "track record" that I've took notice to. It's like that speed bump of uncertainty you're trying to drive over. It seems small but it can really do some damage to your undercarriage (totally just updated my Facebook status with my epic analogy). Yes, dating is exciting, it's fun, it makes you all...bajiggity (reference to Cameron Diaz chick flick The Sweetest Thing). But there's a weird standstill at one point or another. A screeching halt right before that speed bump.
However, uncertainty isn't always a bad thing. It can be a moment of clarity, a time to refresh the mind and really think about things, some "me" time to one's self. If the juice is truly worth the squeeze, you wait for it. You let that sucker ripen up on its own schedule. You give it space and time to grow. You keep yourself occupied with the priorities you have on your plate. Just because you're waiting for fruit to grow doesn't mean you should drop everything else. That fruit wasn't there before, you had a life before that fruit was in the picture! When it's ready, you'll know - it'll let you know. I'm not guaranteeing a high success rate here but you do things for a reason. There's a risk to pretty much anything these days, but we still take them.
And no matter how things pan out, whether good or bad, everything is going to be fine. Like Fagan said, "We’re all okay, and there are so many exciting things in front of us — let’s let that be enough."
Probably one of the many deep articles I've read on TC include Chelsea Fagan's recent one You Don't Need to Say Anything. We always say those words but we sometimes expect the person we say it to to respond. We want an answer, we just don't ask for one. Sometimes because we don't want to look vulnerable, or because we don't know how to say things a certain way, or simply because we're just downright confused about whatever it is that's on our mind and we just don't know how to say it.
Fagan wrote about burning bridges with people who played a significant role at one time in her life but now are just fleeting memories she either intentionally or unintentionally "left untended for years until weeds grew through it and the railing fell apart and it became something you might take a black-and-white picture of, but you could never cross again."
It was kind of sad to read but then again, what relevant-to-one's-life TC article isn't? It was sad in a sense that all I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs was, "FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!"
Not really. But still.
In a twentysomething's mindset, "letting people down easy" is just plain wrong. To me, I think it's honest and less confusing - it keeps parties from guessing how a situation is currently sitting. You simply say it, wish each other well (if applicable), and go on living life. It's not hard, it shouldn't hurt (if it does, learn from it), and it's less time-consuming. I think I'm trying to sell honesty in an infomercial here.
I have left many a bridge unburned, simply because I didn't know what was going on. I'm a bit of a space cadet (probably an understatement according to my social circle) and yeah, I have the tendency to look far into things. But rather than
But can you blame me for not wondering how things pan out? After getting played over the summer (along with failed attempts at dating), I tried to avoid going down the same route twice. But I think there's a pattern in my dating "track record" that I've took notice to. It's like that speed bump of uncertainty you're trying to drive over. It seems small but it can really do some damage to your undercarriage (totally just updated my Facebook status with my epic analogy). Yes, dating is exciting, it's fun, it makes you all...bajiggity (reference to Cameron Diaz chick flick The Sweetest Thing). But there's a weird standstill at one point or another. A screeching halt right before that speed bump.
However, uncertainty isn't always a bad thing. It can be a moment of clarity, a time to refresh the mind and really think about things, some "me" time to one's self. If the juice is truly worth the squeeze, you wait for it. You let that sucker ripen up on its own schedule. You give it space and time to grow. You keep yourself occupied with the priorities you have on your plate. Just because you're waiting for fruit to grow doesn't mean you should drop everything else. That fruit wasn't there before, you had a life before that fruit was in the picture! When it's ready, you'll know - it'll let you know. I'm not guaranteeing a high success rate here but you do things for a reason. There's a risk to pretty much anything these days, but we still take them.
And no matter how things pan out, whether good or bad, everything is going to be fine. Like Fagan said, "We’re all okay, and there are so many exciting things in front of us — let’s let that be enough."
Monday, December 12, 2011
Asian babies fighting
Compliments of
These will be my kids hopefully one day...
The Cutest, Deadliest Fight in all of History
These will be my kids hopefully one day...
The Cutest, Deadliest Fight in all of History
Quit your bitchin!
...and get me a samich!
But no, really, we need to stop complaining about shit. Of course, I'm one of the most guilty culprits of complaining about things. "Wahh, why me?! Wahh, WTF, this is horseshit I always get the short end of the stick, why can't I have this or that. It's not fair! I'm gonna eat guac - I'm not hungry but I'm gonna make it and be emotional and eat it all by myself...huff!"
Why do I feel compelled to blog about something that I, along with you, do on a regular basis? Because I read it on fucking Thought Catalog! (Dun dun dun). Ryan O'Connell wrote another awesome article that is the epitome of the twentysomethings of today.
I must say I'm guilty of a few things on that list, especially #3. But who isn't/wasn't?! C'mon, we live in a world of instant gratification and I think the fact that people communicate via text more so than actually having decent conversations over the phone. This makes it a lot more difficult to really commit to a lasting or somewhat lengthy relationship without having someone jump to conclusions or foam at the mouth when someone responds with a text that says, "I'm fine" (you probably read that in at least 15.875 different ways because that's what we do with texts. You also asked your closest girlfriends what that means because you're not "smart" enough to understand who you're talking to so you ask others because they apparently got PhDs in Textology Sciences).
I'm just saying.
But maybe with the new year approaching, we could probably work on a few things and try to go out with our fwiendz without crying at a bar because someone screened our phonecalls. We're all fragile someone please pass me the super glue. Kthanks.
But no, really, we need to stop complaining about shit. Of course, I'm one of the most guilty culprits of complaining about things. "Wahh, why me?! Wahh, WTF, this is horseshit I always get the short end of the stick, why can't I have this or that. It's not fair! I'm gonna eat guac - I'm not hungry but I'm gonna make it and be emotional and eat it all by myself...huff!"
Why do I feel compelled to blog about something that I, along with you, do on a regular basis? Because I read it on fucking Thought Catalog! (Dun dun dun). Ryan O'Connell wrote another awesome article that is the epitome of the twentysomethings of today.
I must say I'm guilty of a few things on that list, especially #3. But who isn't/wasn't?! C'mon, we live in a world of instant gratification and I think the fact that people communicate via text more so than actually having decent conversations over the phone. This makes it a lot more difficult to really commit to a lasting or somewhat lengthy relationship without having someone jump to conclusions or foam at the mouth when someone responds with a text that says, "I'm fine" (you probably read that in at least 15.875 different ways because that's what we do with texts. You also asked your closest girlfriends what that means because you're not "smart" enough to understand who you're talking to so you ask others because they apparently got PhDs in Textology Sciences).
I'm just saying.
But maybe with the new year approaching, we could probably work on a few things and try to go out with our fwiendz without crying at a bar because someone screened our phonecalls. We're all fragile someone please pass me the super glue. Kthanks.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Did I ever tell you about that one time...
I gave someone's number to some creepy French man on the train only to have him remember me months later when I was on the same train as him?
Yeah, ugh I am suuuuch a beeyatch. But a long, long time ago I was on the last train back to New Ro close to 2am on a Friday night (well, Saturday morning at this point). They were many vacant seats open so I had an array to choose from. Naturally, I opt for a window-seat with an empty seat next to me. I drunkenly feast on one of those pretzels I bought from a vendor outside of Grand Central Station.
Of course, this older gentleman, slightly disheveled, a little rotund and lacking some hair decided to pick the empty seat next to me to sit in. He would. Fucking creep. I thought to myself, "Really? Really. Of all the empty fucking seats you could lay your old, drunken body across, you decide to sit uncomfortably next to moi? Seriously, guy, look over there! That's a three-seater row with no one in it! WTF!"
What drunkenly came out of my mouth was actually this, "You want some pretzel?" And then his stupid French accent came out as he tried to "woo" me. Ha. Mind you, the French language is schexy. Scho schexy but only when not-so creepy folk speak it.
Read on for some dialogue:
After I asked him if he wanted some pretzel...
Creepy French Man: Oh, no thank you.
Me: Whoa! Are you French? Parle vous englais?
CFM: Oui, oui, I am haha...are you?
Me: Ummm, no! But I know a girl who's from Lyon.
CFM: Ah, yes Lyon. Beautiful.
Me: Haha yeah, don't you know it! (feeling awkward here, continue to eat pretzel)
CFM: So, where are you headed?
Me: Oh, uhh, I live in New Rochelle.
CFM: Me too!
Me: (feeling disgusted) oh. Yeah, it's not a bad area.
CFM: I'm looking to buy a place to live.
Me: Oh, you don't live there?
CFM: Well, you see, I rent. I'm looking to own an apartment.
Me: Oh, okayyyyy.
CFM:, you are pretty!
Me: Ugh...thanks.
CFM shifts his body towards (gross) and touches my leg. I try to ignore the fact that he put his old, creepy hand on my leg.
Me: Yah, so, where are you looking to buy an apartment?
CFM: Uhh New Rochelle, maybe Larchmont or uhhh, Mamaroneck?
Me: Ohh, yeah Larchmont is nice.
His hand is still on my fucking leg and moving. ajkldfawioe;aji gdklfjsa!!
CFM: Oh, yeah?
Me: Uh huh...and so is Scarsdale.
CFM: Where do you think I should buy?
Me: I don't know really. What's your budget?
CFM: I don't really have one...
Me: (thinking, "Well aren't you a fucking high roller!") Hmm, yeah maybe Scarsdale. White Plains is also nice but that's can be pretty steap.
CFM: Oh really? I want to stay around New Rochelle.
Me: Well, I know the Avalon has really nice apartments near the train station. You know where that is?
CFM: Yes, yes (as he eerily stares at me still touching my leg and leaning in).
Me: Umm you might wanna chill out. I have a boyfriend.
CFM: Oh, do you?
Me: Yeah, he's a Marine. He's completed two tours - one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan (complete bullshit fyi).
CFM: Oh, I see.
Me: Yeah, but I'm probably gonna break up with him when he goes on his next tour in February.
CFM: Really?
Me: Yah, so maybe then we can talk.
CFM: Yes? You will give me your number when we get off the train?!
Me: Sure. But I get off at Pelham not New Rochelle.
CFM reaches for my hand and kisses it and continues to caress my leg.
Me: You better stop! My boyfriend is picking me up from the train station...and he has a gun.
CFM: (his hand is NOW off my leg) really? Your boyfriend is picking you up.
Me: Yeah, and if he sees me talking to you he'll blow up.
CFM: Oh, okay I'm sorry. But what is your name?
Me: It's Sam*
*I don't have a friend named Sam who's number I gave away. Let's say I literally took a number out of my phonebook and gave it to him.
CFM: Sam? Ohhh, Sam, you are beautiful.
Me: Yah, ok.
CFM: What is your number?
Me: (give CFM a number out of my phone)
CFM: Okay, so in February I can call?
Me: (Exhausted) yeah, yeah, yeah, okieee this is my stop. Nice meeting you kbyeeee.
CFM: Goodbye, Sam :)
Months go by since this occurred and I'm on a train going to Grand Central. I'm standing by the door waiting for the train to come to a halt so I can get off. A disheveled looking man is standing across from me. I caught him stealing some of my glances. He clearly got a haircut because I didn't know it was him at first. I get off the train jamming to my iPod.
CFM: Excuse me? Sam?
Me: Huh?
CFM: Is your name Sam?
CFM: Oh, I'm so sorry. You look like my friend Sam.
Me: Uhh ok. (Turned white, jetted for the exit).
Hahaha and that fact that he referred to "Sam" as a friend. Balls. So, if any of you people who read my blog receive a phonecall from a creepy French-sounding man asking for "Sam", then you have me to blame for my drunken oopsie.
Yeah, ugh I am suuuuch a beeyatch. But a long, long time ago I was on the last train back to New Ro close to 2am on a Friday night (well, Saturday morning at this point). They were many vacant seats open so I had an array to choose from. Naturally, I opt for a window-seat with an empty seat next to me. I drunkenly feast on one of those pretzels I bought from a vendor outside of Grand Central Station.
Of course, this older gentleman, slightly disheveled, a little rotund and lacking some hair decided to pick the empty seat next to me to sit in. He would. Fucking creep. I thought to myself, "Really? Really. Of all the empty fucking seats you could lay your old, drunken body across, you decide to sit uncomfortably next to moi? Seriously, guy, look over there! That's a three-seater row with no one in it! WTF!"
What drunkenly came out of my mouth was actually this, "You want some pretzel?" And then his stupid French accent came out as he tried to "woo" me. Ha. Mind you, the French language is schexy. Scho schexy but only when not-so creepy folk speak it.
Read on for some dialogue:
After I asked him if he wanted some pretzel...
Creepy French Man: Oh, no thank you.
Me: Whoa! Are you French? Parle vous englais?
CFM: Oui, oui, I am haha...are you?
Me: Ummm, no! But I know a girl who's from Lyon.
CFM: Ah, yes Lyon. Beautiful.
Me: Haha yeah, don't you know it! (feeling awkward here, continue to eat pretzel)
CFM: So, where are you headed?
Me: Oh, uhh, I live in New Rochelle.
CFM: Me too!
Me: (feeling disgusted) oh. Yeah, it's not a bad area.
CFM: I'm looking to buy a place to live.
Me: Oh, you don't live there?
CFM: Well, you see, I rent. I'm looking to own an apartment.
Me: Oh, okayyyyy.
CFM:, you are pretty!
Me: Ugh...thanks.
CFM shifts his body towards (gross) and touches my leg. I try to ignore the fact that he put his old, creepy hand on my leg.
Me: Yah, so, where are you looking to buy an apartment?
CFM: Uhh New Rochelle, maybe Larchmont or uhhh, Mamaroneck?
Me: Ohh, yeah Larchmont is nice.
His hand is still on my fucking leg and moving. ajkldfawioe;aji gdklfjsa!!
CFM: Oh, yeah?
Me: Uh huh...and so is Scarsdale.
CFM: Where do you think I should buy?
Me: I don't know really. What's your budget?
CFM: I don't really have one...
Me: (thinking, "Well aren't you a fucking high roller!") Hmm, yeah maybe Scarsdale. White Plains is also nice but that's can be pretty steap.
CFM: Oh really? I want to stay around New Rochelle.
Me: Well, I know the Avalon has really nice apartments near the train station. You know where that is?
CFM: Yes, yes (as he eerily stares at me still touching my leg and leaning in).
Me: Umm you might wanna chill out. I have a boyfriend.
CFM: Oh, do you?
Me: Yeah, he's a Marine. He's completed two tours - one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan (complete bullshit fyi).
CFM: Oh, I see.
Me: Yeah, but I'm probably gonna break up with him when he goes on his next tour in February.
CFM: Really?
Me: Yah, so maybe then we can talk.
CFM: Yes? You will give me your number when we get off the train?!
Me: Sure. But I get off at Pelham not New Rochelle.
CFM reaches for my hand and kisses it and continues to caress my leg.
Me: You better stop! My boyfriend is picking me up from the train station...and he has a gun.
CFM: (his hand is NOW off my leg) really? Your boyfriend is picking you up.
Me: Yeah, and if he sees me talking to you he'll blow up.
CFM: Oh, okay I'm sorry. But what is your name?
Me: It's Sam*
*I don't have a friend named Sam who's number I gave away. Let's say I literally took a number out of my phonebook and gave it to him.
CFM: Sam? Ohhh, Sam, you are beautiful.
Me: Yah, ok.
CFM: What is your number?
Me: (give CFM a number out of my phone)
CFM: Okay, so in February I can call?
Me: (Exhausted) yeah, yeah, yeah, okieee this is my stop. Nice meeting you kbyeeee.
CFM: Goodbye, Sam :)
Months go by since this occurred and I'm on a train going to Grand Central. I'm standing by the door waiting for the train to come to a halt so I can get off. A disheveled looking man is standing across from me. I caught him stealing some of my glances. He clearly got a haircut because I didn't know it was him at first. I get off the train jamming to my iPod.
CFM: Excuse me? Sam?
Me: Huh?
CFM: Is your name Sam?
CFM: Oh, I'm so sorry. You look like my friend Sam.
Me: Uhh ok. (Turned white, jetted for the exit).
Hahaha and that fact that he referred to "Sam" as a friend. Balls. So, if any of you people who read my blog receive a phonecall from a creepy French-sounding man asking for "Sam", then you have me to blame for my drunken oopsie.
Young Empires
I feel dumbfounded that I hadn't heard this band before. They are so good and I think I've found my new obsession. Well, not quite - I still lurve me some avocados. Anywho, Young Empire (hot name too) is a Toronto-based trio with an funky, electro, cow-bell influenced rock sound resembling Franz Ferdinand and Two Door Cinema Club (then again, they did a great cover "What You Know").
Right now, they're in beautiful Paris, France performing shows (lame, I want you here now!). Their full-length album Wake All My Mouth releases on the 31st of January in the new year! So keep an eye out for it. Their homepage also reminds me of Urban Outfitters. Their sound definitely deserves to be played in there too bee tee dubs.
Some great tunes by them...
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Right now, they're in beautiful Paris, France performing shows (lame, I want you here now!). Their full-length album Wake All My Mouth releases on the 31st of January in the new year! So keep an eye out for it. Their homepage also reminds me of Urban Outfitters. Their sound definitely deserves to be played in there too bee tee dubs.
Some great tunes by them...
Create a playlist at
Get up! So precious...
Australian political-action group Get Up
came out (no pun intended) with a new campaign video with an unexpected but so precious ending. Watch here:
Get Up! - It's Time.
This is why I love following AdAge on twitter. Read article heeyah.
Get Up! - It's Time.
This is why I love following AdAge on twitter. Read article heeyah.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Quote of the Day
"I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries."
- Theodore Isaac Rubin
- Theodore Isaac Rubin
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I love this site. I really do. I have this on-going romance with that part of BK and I don't think it'll stop anytime soon unless I'm kicked out by the locals, who by the way are dyingggg to meet me every time I get off that L train and make eyes with Bedford Ave. MMMMM yummay.
Anywho, is the go-to site for all things...well, Williamsburg! Need to find a hipster watering hole? Go there. Going on a vegan-friendly date with someone who wear personality glasses and TOMS? Go there.
Two things I found that we completely and utterly hipster and obscure were two videos, one for an epic food idea (I hope it actually exists when I have kids - I'm totally making my kids wear plaid and oxfords) and the other was a creepyyy music video that I couldn't help but watch.
College Humor - Brunchables
"Deep in the Woods" - Tennis
Anywho, is the go-to site for all things...well, Williamsburg! Need to find a hipster watering hole? Go there. Going on a vegan-friendly date with someone who wear personality glasses and TOMS? Go there.
Two things I found that we completely and utterly hipster and obscure were two videos, one for an epic food idea (I hope it actually exists when I have kids - I'm totally making my kids wear plaid and oxfords) and the other was a creepyyy music video that I couldn't help but watch.
College Humor - Brunchables
"Deep in the Woods" - Tennis
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sexy Pink Super bass
Every year, I watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I've been doing this probably since junior year of high school. I don't aspire to be a VS Angel but I must say that the show gets better and better every year. Veteran angels make way for rookies and up-and-comers. The musical performances are just #boss, and no offense, but the angels are fucking attractive.
Here is a clip of the finale - it's a musical performance by Nicki Minaj and it opens with my faaaave angel to date: Erin Heatherton. Ugh #sex.
Here is a clip of the finale - it's a musical performance by Nicki Minaj and it opens with my faaaave angel to date: Erin Heatherton. Ugh #sex.
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