Please watch how cute these fuckers are. I think when I come home in the early morning, hopefully as the sun is rising, I'll put on 500 Days of Summer. Everyone have a safe and joyous new year and ring it in with someone who isn't a douchebag. Muah muahs to all :)
What Are You Doing New Years Eve? by Zooey & Joseph :)
I'll also leave you with some humorous NYE banter I had with my best friend from Delaware, Stephy poo...
Steph: Man, I wish you were gonna be here for new years...actually, nevermind. You wouldn't wanna be here for new years, would you...
Me: Yeah, no I wouldn't wanna be here for new years. Because last time I was here for new years, Georgie fingered me in your beach house.
[[awkward silence]]
Steph: I...uhh, wasn't expecting you to say that. But okay!
The doings of a twenty-something fish in a rather big pond. Sometimes I don't know what the rules are and I may come off as not-so ladylike. But I learn as I go. I meet interesting people and I do interesting things. This blog has no theme, just adventures. It's for anyone who likes to read about absolutely nothing. It's a reflection on the randomness called my life. I'm bound to hit a few bumps in the road, so why not share them with the rest of the world (I guess).
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
This is how Santa really felt...
Skrillex's official music video for "Ruffneck." So festive - it truly captures America's financial crisis through the eyes of a "jolly, old fellow." Enjoy!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Good tidings!
With Christmas vastly approaching, I thought I'd post something since I've been M.I.A. for the past two days due to high volumes of Christmas-themed chaos (present shopping, drinking to stay sane, crying over using my credit card, not knowing what to get certain people, etc.). Here are two great holiday ha-ha videos...Oh, and if you celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Christmahanukwanzaakah, then I can't help you. The last video is the best...
Icy Step
Christmas puppies
Icy Step
Christmas puppies
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The waiting game
This winter has not only been sporadic in terms of weather but also in terms of my personal life. Not trying to sound thought-provoking, it's not like I'm going to get published in #ThoughtCatalog anytime soon. But I've encountered some of the most interesting situations recently and I'm not sure what to think of them. Some good, some bad (maybe?), many certainly confusing. I guess my boss was right, "The universe works in mysterious ways." I stop reading my horoscope when things get a little weird.
Probably one of the many deep articles I've read on TC include Chelsea Fagan's recent one You Don't Need to Say Anything. We always say those words but we sometimes expect the person we say it to to respond. We want an answer, we just don't ask for one. Sometimes because we don't want to look vulnerable, or because we don't know how to say things a certain way, or simply because we're just downright confused about whatever it is that's on our mind and we just don't know how to say it.
Fagan wrote about burning bridges with people who played a significant role at one time in her life but now are just fleeting memories she either intentionally or unintentionally "left untended for years until weeds grew through it and the railing fell apart and it became something you might take a black-and-white picture of, but you could never cross again."
It was kind of sad to read but then again, what relevant-to-one's-life TC article isn't? It was sad in a sense that all I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs was, "FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!"
Not really. But still.
In a twentysomething's mindset, "letting people down easy" is just plain wrong. To me, I think it's honest and less confusing - it keeps parties from guessing how a situation is currently sitting. You simply say it, wish each other well (if applicable), and go on living life. It's not hard, it shouldn't hurt (if it does, learn from it), and it's less time-consuming. I think I'm trying to sell honesty in an infomercial here.
I have left many a bridge unburned, simply because I didn't know what was going on. I'm a bit of a space cadet (probably an understatement according to my social circle) and yeah, I have the tendency to look far into things. But rather thancrying for a few days jumping to conclusions, I force myself to simply just sit and wait. Patience is a virtue that I fail to put to practice on my own. I think we have instant messaging, text, BBM, a spoiled childhood, etc. to thank for all of our impatience.
But can you blame me for not wondering how things pan out? After getting played over the summer (along with failed attempts at dating), I tried to avoid going down the same route twice. But I think there's a pattern in my dating "track record" that I've took notice to. It's like that speed bump of uncertainty you're trying to drive over. It seems small but it can really do some damage to your undercarriage (totally just updated my Facebook status with my epic analogy). Yes, dating is exciting, it's fun, it makes you all...bajiggity (reference to Cameron Diaz chick flick The Sweetest Thing). But there's a weird standstill at one point or another. A screeching halt right before that speed bump.
However, uncertainty isn't always a bad thing. It can be a moment of clarity, a time to refresh the mind and really think about things, some "me" time to one's self. If the juice is truly worth the squeeze, you wait for it. You let that sucker ripen up on its own schedule. You give it space and time to grow. You keep yourself occupied with the priorities you have on your plate. Just because you're waiting for fruit to grow doesn't mean you should drop everything else. That fruit wasn't there before, you had a life before that fruit was in the picture! When it's ready, you'll know - it'll let you know. I'm not guaranteeing a high success rate here but you do things for a reason. There's a risk to pretty much anything these days, but we still take them.
And no matter how things pan out, whether good or bad, everything is going to be fine. Like Fagan said, "We’re all okay, and there are so many exciting things in front of us — let’s let that be enough."
Probably one of the many deep articles I've read on TC include Chelsea Fagan's recent one You Don't Need to Say Anything. We always say those words but we sometimes expect the person we say it to to respond. We want an answer, we just don't ask for one. Sometimes because we don't want to look vulnerable, or because we don't know how to say things a certain way, or simply because we're just downright confused about whatever it is that's on our mind and we just don't know how to say it.
Fagan wrote about burning bridges with people who played a significant role at one time in her life but now are just fleeting memories she either intentionally or unintentionally "left untended for years until weeds grew through it and the railing fell apart and it became something you might take a black-and-white picture of, but you could never cross again."
It was kind of sad to read but then again, what relevant-to-one's-life TC article isn't? It was sad in a sense that all I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs was, "FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!"
Not really. But still.
In a twentysomething's mindset, "letting people down easy" is just plain wrong. To me, I think it's honest and less confusing - it keeps parties from guessing how a situation is currently sitting. You simply say it, wish each other well (if applicable), and go on living life. It's not hard, it shouldn't hurt (if it does, learn from it), and it's less time-consuming. I think I'm trying to sell honesty in an infomercial here.
I have left many a bridge unburned, simply because I didn't know what was going on. I'm a bit of a space cadet (probably an understatement according to my social circle) and yeah, I have the tendency to look far into things. But rather than
But can you blame me for not wondering how things pan out? After getting played over the summer (along with failed attempts at dating), I tried to avoid going down the same route twice. But I think there's a pattern in my dating "track record" that I've took notice to. It's like that speed bump of uncertainty you're trying to drive over. It seems small but it can really do some damage to your undercarriage (totally just updated my Facebook status with my epic analogy). Yes, dating is exciting, it's fun, it makes you all...bajiggity (reference to Cameron Diaz chick flick The Sweetest Thing). But there's a weird standstill at one point or another. A screeching halt right before that speed bump.
However, uncertainty isn't always a bad thing. It can be a moment of clarity, a time to refresh the mind and really think about things, some "me" time to one's self. If the juice is truly worth the squeeze, you wait for it. You let that sucker ripen up on its own schedule. You give it space and time to grow. You keep yourself occupied with the priorities you have on your plate. Just because you're waiting for fruit to grow doesn't mean you should drop everything else. That fruit wasn't there before, you had a life before that fruit was in the picture! When it's ready, you'll know - it'll let you know. I'm not guaranteeing a high success rate here but you do things for a reason. There's a risk to pretty much anything these days, but we still take them.
And no matter how things pan out, whether good or bad, everything is going to be fine. Like Fagan said, "We’re all okay, and there are so many exciting things in front of us — let’s let that be enough."
Monday, December 12, 2011
Asian babies fighting
Compliments of
These will be my kids hopefully one day...
The Cutest, Deadliest Fight in all of History
These will be my kids hopefully one day...
The Cutest, Deadliest Fight in all of History
Quit your bitchin!
...and get me a samich!
But no, really, we need to stop complaining about shit. Of course, I'm one of the most guilty culprits of complaining about things. "Wahh, why me?! Wahh, WTF, this is horseshit I always get the short end of the stick, why can't I have this or that. It's not fair! I'm gonna eat guac - I'm not hungry but I'm gonna make it and be emotional and eat it all by myself...huff!"
Why do I feel compelled to blog about something that I, along with you, do on a regular basis? Because I read it on fucking Thought Catalog! (Dun dun dun). Ryan O'Connell wrote another awesome article that is the epitome of the twentysomethings of today.
I must say I'm guilty of a few things on that list, especially #3. But who isn't/wasn't?! C'mon, we live in a world of instant gratification and I think the fact that people communicate via text more so than actually having decent conversations over the phone. This makes it a lot more difficult to really commit to a lasting or somewhat lengthy relationship without having someone jump to conclusions or foam at the mouth when someone responds with a text that says, "I'm fine" (you probably read that in at least 15.875 different ways because that's what we do with texts. You also asked your closest girlfriends what that means because you're not "smart" enough to understand who you're talking to so you ask others because they apparently got PhDs in Textology Sciences).
I'm just saying.
But maybe with the new year approaching, we could probably work on a few things and try to go out with our fwiendz without crying at a bar because someone screened our phonecalls. We're all fragile someone please pass me the super glue. Kthanks.
But no, really, we need to stop complaining about shit. Of course, I'm one of the most guilty culprits of complaining about things. "Wahh, why me?! Wahh, WTF, this is horseshit I always get the short end of the stick, why can't I have this or that. It's not fair! I'm gonna eat guac - I'm not hungry but I'm gonna make it and be emotional and eat it all by myself...huff!"
Why do I feel compelled to blog about something that I, along with you, do on a regular basis? Because I read it on fucking Thought Catalog! (Dun dun dun). Ryan O'Connell wrote another awesome article that is the epitome of the twentysomethings of today.
I must say I'm guilty of a few things on that list, especially #3. But who isn't/wasn't?! C'mon, we live in a world of instant gratification and I think the fact that people communicate via text more so than actually having decent conversations over the phone. This makes it a lot more difficult to really commit to a lasting or somewhat lengthy relationship without having someone jump to conclusions or foam at the mouth when someone responds with a text that says, "I'm fine" (you probably read that in at least 15.875 different ways because that's what we do with texts. You also asked your closest girlfriends what that means because you're not "smart" enough to understand who you're talking to so you ask others because they apparently got PhDs in Textology Sciences).
I'm just saying.
But maybe with the new year approaching, we could probably work on a few things and try to go out with our fwiendz without crying at a bar because someone screened our phonecalls. We're all fragile someone please pass me the super glue. Kthanks.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Did I ever tell you about that one time...
I gave someone's number to some creepy French man on the train only to have him remember me months later when I was on the same train as him?
Yeah, ugh I am suuuuch a beeyatch. But a long, long time ago I was on the last train back to New Ro close to 2am on a Friday night (well, Saturday morning at this point). They were many vacant seats open so I had an array to choose from. Naturally, I opt for a window-seat with an empty seat next to me. I drunkenly feast on one of those pretzels I bought from a vendor outside of Grand Central Station.
Of course, this older gentleman, slightly disheveled, a little rotund and lacking some hair decided to pick the empty seat next to me to sit in. He would. Fucking creep. I thought to myself, "Really? Really. Of all the empty fucking seats you could lay your old, drunken body across, you decide to sit uncomfortably next to moi? Seriously, guy, look over there! That's a three-seater row with no one in it! WTF!"
What drunkenly came out of my mouth was actually this, "You want some pretzel?" And then his stupid French accent came out as he tried to "woo" me. Ha. Mind you, the French language is schexy. Scho schexy but only when not-so creepy folk speak it.
Read on for some dialogue:
After I asked him if he wanted some pretzel...
Creepy French Man: Oh, no thank you.
Me: Whoa! Are you French? Parle vous englais?
CFM: Oui, oui, I am haha...are you?
Me: Ummm, no! But I know a girl who's from Lyon.
CFM: Ah, yes Lyon. Beautiful.
Me: Haha yeah, don't you know it! (feeling awkward here, continue to eat pretzel)
CFM: So, where are you headed?
Me: Oh, uhh, I live in New Rochelle.
CFM: Me too!
Me: (feeling disgusted) oh. Yeah, it's not a bad area.
CFM: I'm looking to buy a place to live.
Me: Oh, you don't live there?
CFM: Well, you see, I rent. I'm looking to own an apartment.
Me: Oh, okayyyyy.
CFM:, you are pretty!
Me: Ugh...thanks.
CFM shifts his body towards (gross) and touches my leg. I try to ignore the fact that he put his old, creepy hand on my leg.
Me: Yah, so, where are you looking to buy an apartment?
CFM: Uhh New Rochelle, maybe Larchmont or uhhh, Mamaroneck?
Me: Ohh, yeah Larchmont is nice.
His hand is still on my fucking leg and moving. ajkldfawioe;aji gdklfjsa!!
CFM: Oh, yeah?
Me: Uh huh...and so is Scarsdale.
CFM: Where do you think I should buy?
Me: I don't know really. What's your budget?
CFM: I don't really have one...
Me: (thinking, "Well aren't you a fucking high roller!") Hmm, yeah maybe Scarsdale. White Plains is also nice but that's can be pretty steap.
CFM: Oh really? I want to stay around New Rochelle.
Me: Well, I know the Avalon has really nice apartments near the train station. You know where that is?
CFM: Yes, yes (as he eerily stares at me still touching my leg and leaning in).
Me: Umm you might wanna chill out. I have a boyfriend.
CFM: Oh, do you?
Me: Yeah, he's a Marine. He's completed two tours - one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan (complete bullshit fyi).
CFM: Oh, I see.
Me: Yeah, but I'm probably gonna break up with him when he goes on his next tour in February.
CFM: Really?
Me: Yah, so maybe then we can talk.
CFM: Yes? You will give me your number when we get off the train?!
Me: Sure. But I get off at Pelham not New Rochelle.
CFM reaches for my hand and kisses it and continues to caress my leg.
Me: You better stop! My boyfriend is picking me up from the train station...and he has a gun.
CFM: (his hand is NOW off my leg) really? Your boyfriend is picking you up.
Me: Yeah, and if he sees me talking to you he'll blow up.
CFM: Oh, okay I'm sorry. But what is your name?
Me: It's Sam*
*I don't have a friend named Sam who's number I gave away. Let's say I literally took a number out of my phonebook and gave it to him.
CFM: Sam? Ohhh, Sam, you are beautiful.
Me: Yah, ok.
CFM: What is your number?
Me: (give CFM a number out of my phone)
CFM: Okay, so in February I can call?
Me: (Exhausted) yeah, yeah, yeah, okieee this is my stop. Nice meeting you kbyeeee.
CFM: Goodbye, Sam :)
Months go by since this occurred and I'm on a train going to Grand Central. I'm standing by the door waiting for the train to come to a halt so I can get off. A disheveled looking man is standing across from me. I caught him stealing some of my glances. He clearly got a haircut because I didn't know it was him at first. I get off the train jamming to my iPod.
CFM: Excuse me? Sam?
Me: Huh?
CFM: Is your name Sam?
CFM: Oh, I'm so sorry. You look like my friend Sam.
Me: Uhh ok. (Turned white, jetted for the exit).
Hahaha and that fact that he referred to "Sam" as a friend. Balls. So, if any of you people who read my blog receive a phonecall from a creepy French-sounding man asking for "Sam", then you have me to blame for my drunken oopsie.
Yeah, ugh I am suuuuch a beeyatch. But a long, long time ago I was on the last train back to New Ro close to 2am on a Friday night (well, Saturday morning at this point). They were many vacant seats open so I had an array to choose from. Naturally, I opt for a window-seat with an empty seat next to me. I drunkenly feast on one of those pretzels I bought from a vendor outside of Grand Central Station.
Of course, this older gentleman, slightly disheveled, a little rotund and lacking some hair decided to pick the empty seat next to me to sit in. He would. Fucking creep. I thought to myself, "Really? Really. Of all the empty fucking seats you could lay your old, drunken body across, you decide to sit uncomfortably next to moi? Seriously, guy, look over there! That's a three-seater row with no one in it! WTF!"
What drunkenly came out of my mouth was actually this, "You want some pretzel?" And then his stupid French accent came out as he tried to "woo" me. Ha. Mind you, the French language is schexy. Scho schexy but only when not-so creepy folk speak it.
Read on for some dialogue:
After I asked him if he wanted some pretzel...
Creepy French Man: Oh, no thank you.
Me: Whoa! Are you French? Parle vous englais?
CFM: Oui, oui, I am haha...are you?
Me: Ummm, no! But I know a girl who's from Lyon.
CFM: Ah, yes Lyon. Beautiful.
Me: Haha yeah, don't you know it! (feeling awkward here, continue to eat pretzel)
CFM: So, where are you headed?
Me: Oh, uhh, I live in New Rochelle.
CFM: Me too!
Me: (feeling disgusted) oh. Yeah, it's not a bad area.
CFM: I'm looking to buy a place to live.
Me: Oh, you don't live there?
CFM: Well, you see, I rent. I'm looking to own an apartment.
Me: Oh, okayyyyy.
CFM:, you are pretty!
Me: Ugh...thanks.
CFM shifts his body towards (gross) and touches my leg. I try to ignore the fact that he put his old, creepy hand on my leg.
Me: Yah, so, where are you looking to buy an apartment?
CFM: Uhh New Rochelle, maybe Larchmont or uhhh, Mamaroneck?
Me: Ohh, yeah Larchmont is nice.
His hand is still on my fucking leg and moving. ajkldfawioe;aji gdklfjsa!!
CFM: Oh, yeah?
Me: Uh huh...and so is Scarsdale.
CFM: Where do you think I should buy?
Me: I don't know really. What's your budget?
CFM: I don't really have one...
Me: (thinking, "Well aren't you a fucking high roller!") Hmm, yeah maybe Scarsdale. White Plains is also nice but that's can be pretty steap.
CFM: Oh really? I want to stay around New Rochelle.
Me: Well, I know the Avalon has really nice apartments near the train station. You know where that is?
CFM: Yes, yes (as he eerily stares at me still touching my leg and leaning in).
Me: Umm you might wanna chill out. I have a boyfriend.
CFM: Oh, do you?
Me: Yeah, he's a Marine. He's completed two tours - one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan (complete bullshit fyi).
CFM: Oh, I see.
Me: Yeah, but I'm probably gonna break up with him when he goes on his next tour in February.
CFM: Really?
Me: Yah, so maybe then we can talk.
CFM: Yes? You will give me your number when we get off the train?!
Me: Sure. But I get off at Pelham not New Rochelle.
CFM reaches for my hand and kisses it and continues to caress my leg.
Me: You better stop! My boyfriend is picking me up from the train station...and he has a gun.
CFM: (his hand is NOW off my leg) really? Your boyfriend is picking you up.
Me: Yeah, and if he sees me talking to you he'll blow up.
CFM: Oh, okay I'm sorry. But what is your name?
Me: It's Sam*
*I don't have a friend named Sam who's number I gave away. Let's say I literally took a number out of my phonebook and gave it to him.
CFM: Sam? Ohhh, Sam, you are beautiful.
Me: Yah, ok.
CFM: What is your number?
Me: (give CFM a number out of my phone)
CFM: Okay, so in February I can call?
Me: (Exhausted) yeah, yeah, yeah, okieee this is my stop. Nice meeting you kbyeeee.
CFM: Goodbye, Sam :)
Months go by since this occurred and I'm on a train going to Grand Central. I'm standing by the door waiting for the train to come to a halt so I can get off. A disheveled looking man is standing across from me. I caught him stealing some of my glances. He clearly got a haircut because I didn't know it was him at first. I get off the train jamming to my iPod.
CFM: Excuse me? Sam?
Me: Huh?
CFM: Is your name Sam?
CFM: Oh, I'm so sorry. You look like my friend Sam.
Me: Uhh ok. (Turned white, jetted for the exit).
Hahaha and that fact that he referred to "Sam" as a friend. Balls. So, if any of you people who read my blog receive a phonecall from a creepy French-sounding man asking for "Sam", then you have me to blame for my drunken oopsie.
Young Empires
I feel dumbfounded that I hadn't heard this band before. They are so good and I think I've found my new obsession. Well, not quite - I still lurve me some avocados. Anywho, Young Empire (hot name too) is a Toronto-based trio with an funky, electro, cow-bell influenced rock sound resembling Franz Ferdinand and Two Door Cinema Club (then again, they did a great cover "What You Know").
Right now, they're in beautiful Paris, France performing shows (lame, I want you here now!). Their full-length album Wake All My Mouth releases on the 31st of January in the new year! So keep an eye out for it. Their homepage also reminds me of Urban Outfitters. Their sound definitely deserves to be played in there too bee tee dubs.
Some great tunes by them...
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Right now, they're in beautiful Paris, France performing shows (lame, I want you here now!). Their full-length album Wake All My Mouth releases on the 31st of January in the new year! So keep an eye out for it. Their homepage also reminds me of Urban Outfitters. Their sound definitely deserves to be played in there too bee tee dubs.
Some great tunes by them...
Create a playlist at
Get up! So precious...
Australian political-action group Get Up
came out (no pun intended) with a new campaign video with an unexpected but so precious ending. Watch here:
Get Up! - It's Time.
This is why I love following AdAge on twitter. Read article heeyah.
Get Up! - It's Time.
This is why I love following AdAge on twitter. Read article heeyah.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Quote of the Day
"I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries."
- Theodore Isaac Rubin
- Theodore Isaac Rubin
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I love this site. I really do. I have this on-going romance with that part of BK and I don't think it'll stop anytime soon unless I'm kicked out by the locals, who by the way are dyingggg to meet me every time I get off that L train and make eyes with Bedford Ave. MMMMM yummay.
Anywho, is the go-to site for all things...well, Williamsburg! Need to find a hipster watering hole? Go there. Going on a vegan-friendly date with someone who wear personality glasses and TOMS? Go there.
Two things I found that we completely and utterly hipster and obscure were two videos, one for an epic food idea (I hope it actually exists when I have kids - I'm totally making my kids wear plaid and oxfords) and the other was a creepyyy music video that I couldn't help but watch.
College Humor - Brunchables
"Deep in the Woods" - Tennis
Anywho, is the go-to site for all things...well, Williamsburg! Need to find a hipster watering hole? Go there. Going on a vegan-friendly date with someone who wear personality glasses and TOMS? Go there.
Two things I found that we completely and utterly hipster and obscure were two videos, one for an epic food idea (I hope it actually exists when I have kids - I'm totally making my kids wear plaid and oxfords) and the other was a creepyyy music video that I couldn't help but watch.
College Humor - Brunchables
"Deep in the Woods" - Tennis
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sexy Pink Super bass
Every year, I watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I've been doing this probably since junior year of high school. I don't aspire to be a VS Angel but I must say that the show gets better and better every year. Veteran angels make way for rookies and up-and-comers. The musical performances are just #boss, and no offense, but the angels are fucking attractive.
Here is a clip of the finale - it's a musical performance by Nicki Minaj and it opens with my faaaave angel to date: Erin Heatherton. Ugh #sex.
Here is a clip of the finale - it's a musical performance by Nicki Minaj and it opens with my faaaave angel to date: Erin Heatherton. Ugh #sex.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Tolerable Douchebags
1. Kid Rock - because he doesn't really exist that much anymore.
2. The guy who predicted the Rapture and failed - because he was wrong and he received massive amounts of shit for it.
3. Billy Idol - because he's over his pissing/spitting/not-giving-a-fuck phase.
4. That guy at parties who thinks he's the shit at beerpong - because eventually he'll lose and beat himself up about it and it's kinda funny watching him lose.
5. Tom Cruise - wait, he's not tolerable.
6. That guy at the bar who gets sloshed beyond belief and tries to have a conversation with you - because you can always walk away without pissing him off; he's too hammered to notice you're gone.
7. The CEO of that company you interned for - you haaaated him while you were there but now you don't really have to worry about him pissing you off for not taking you seriously. You're free!
8. The CEO of that company you're currently working for - you have little to no interaction with him because of your status on the totem pole. And since you don't work with him/her, you can listen to everyone else bitch about how he/she's not as smart as the public thinks he is.
9. Your roommate - when he does annoy the shit out of you for whatever he does, you have your own room to seek solace in. And since you're working, you're not around long enough for him to bother you. You don't really know what it is that he does to bother, but you do know he does bother you. Alas, you certainly don't mind hanging out doing "bro stuff" here and there!*
2. The guy who predicted the Rapture and failed - because he was wrong and he received massive amounts of shit for it.
3. Billy Idol - because he's over his pissing/spitting/not-giving-a-fuck phase.
4. That guy at parties who thinks he's the shit at beerpong - because eventually he'll lose and beat himself up about it and it's kinda funny watching him lose.
5. Tom Cruise - wait, he's not tolerable.
6. That guy at the bar who gets sloshed beyond belief and tries to have a conversation with you - because you can always walk away without pissing him off; he's too hammered to notice you're gone.
7. The CEO of that company you interned for - you haaaated him while you were there but now you don't really have to worry about him pissing you off for not taking you seriously. You're free!
8. The CEO of that company you're currently working for - you have little to no interaction with him because of your status on the totem pole. And since you don't work with him/her, you can listen to everyone else bitch about how he/she's not as smart as the public thinks he is.
9. Your roommate - when he does annoy the shit out of you for whatever he does, you have your own room to seek solace in. And since you're working, you're not around long enough for him to bother you. You don't really know what it is that he does to bother, but you do know he does bother you. Alas, you certainly don't mind hanging out doing "bro stuff" here and there!*
*your roommate doesn't even belong on this list...simply a filler because the author of this list has slight OCD and needs to work with even numbers at odd times during the day. Weirdo.
10. Your dad - because despite the shitty things that he does or has done in the past, you still love him.
10. Your dad - because despite the shitty things that he does or has done in the past, you still love him.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Gobble gobble.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you bird-loving, meat-eating savages. I hope your days are filled with tryptophan and happy times and lots and lots of grub. I leave you with some holiday laughs...
Billy Crystal & Robert DeNiro
Turkey Chases Reporter (this has great commentary from the stupid woman)
Billy Crystal & Robert DeNiro
Turkey Chases Reporter (this has great commentary from the stupid woman)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
There is no rock bottom.
Hello! I have resurrected from the blogging dead and am ready to get back into this shiz. Considering I have been busy flying around like a social butterfly, that can't always be my excuse for not taking some time out and shitting on the world. #JOKING.
If you don't know this by now, Thought Catalog is my go-to blog for great reads. And about a week ago, I came across the best article that sums up how I should view life. And of course, I would read this article during a time where I often question why certain things happen to me. But then again, who doesn't question where their life is headed? Feel like you always get the short end of the stick? Been there. Feel like you think you're headed on the straight and narrow and are really getting somewhere with your life only to find out it was all a big joke and you're back at square one? Ha!Been Lived there. Not sure as to "what you're doing wrong"? Right on the money, because yep, that's happened to me too.
We've all been there.
And I think this article is essentially saying, You're not wrong, you're not lost, you're not spiraling down into some deep, dark abyss and never coming out again. You're stuck momentarily; you've taken a different path for the time being and eventually you'll find your way. Like a fluffly, little sheep. Aww...
The article is hopeful, motivating, and downright true. There is no rock bottom. It doesn't exist. At all. And looking back on all those times where I thought I truly have hit my lowest of lows, I've come to find out I really hadn't. Nor will I ever get to that point. No one will ever hit rock bottom. Everything happens for a reason and I remember one time at work where two of my co-workers caught me crying secretly in my cubicle, they asked me if I was ok. I didn't go into details considering my petty issues were none of their business (Granted, they are great people to work with), I simply responded, "I figured God wouldn't throw these curve balls at me if He knew I wouldn't be able to handle them." But every curve ball that's been thrown my way, I've been able to dodge...slowly but surely. Gracefully? Eh, not quite but I'm getting there.
If you don't know this by now, Thought Catalog is my go-to blog for great reads. And about a week ago, I came across the best article that sums up how I should view life. And of course, I would read this article during a time where I often question why certain things happen to me. But then again, who doesn't question where their life is headed? Feel like you always get the short end of the stick? Been there. Feel like you think you're headed on the straight and narrow and are really getting somewhere with your life only to find out it was all a big joke and you're back at square one? Ha!
We've all been there.
And I think this article is essentially saying, You're not wrong, you're not lost, you're not spiraling down into some deep, dark abyss and never coming out again. You're stuck momentarily; you've taken a different path for the time being and eventually you'll find your way. Like a fluffly, little sheep. Aww...
The article is hopeful, motivating, and downright true. There is no rock bottom. It doesn't exist. At all. And looking back on all those times where I thought I truly have hit my lowest of lows, I've come to find out I really hadn't. Nor will I ever get to that point. No one will ever hit rock bottom. Everything happens for a reason and I remember one time at work where two of my co-workers caught me crying secretly in my cubicle, they asked me if I was ok. I didn't go into details considering my petty issues were none of their business (Granted, they are great people to work with), I simply responded, "I figured God wouldn't throw these curve balls at me if He knew I wouldn't be able to handle them." But every curve ball that's been thrown my way, I've been able to dodge...slowly but surely. Gracefully? Eh, not quite but I'm getting there.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Buy My Love
Why I didn't know who Wynter Gordon was before, I have no idea. But while my roommate and I were trapped indoors during the torrential snow fall and also because we opted-out of going to the city Saturday night dressed as scantily clad peacocks (I'm kinda sad we never got to fly), we read some good ol' fashion Thought Catalog! And for being a minimally-designed blog, I couldn't help but notice the latest Victoria's Secret video ad on the side. Half-naked models dancing around and laughing about how their boobs can look bigger than they usually are? Coot. I guess. But Wynter Gordon's song was playing in the background and I liked it :)
You're probably more familiar with her song featuring David Guetta called "Dirty Talk."
Here's the trollopey ad...
Let us dance in our undies because we are skinny bitches.
You're probably more familiar with her song featuring David Guetta called "Dirty Talk."
Here's the trollopey ad...
Let us dance in our undies because we are skinny bitches.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What goes through my head during a massage and facial.
Oh, wow it's really nice in here. Oh, cool! Magazines. Blah, blah, blah, ugh what the hell I just want my massage. Nah, I don't want anything to drink I'm okay. Haha this masseuse has an accent and a lot of makeup on. Her face is spotless. Wow. Umm is she gonna like let me strip in privacy? Go away now, leave me be while I get nekkedddd for this blissful experience. Oooh this bed thing is pretty cushy. I can't really breathe properly with my face in this hole. Hahaha "in this hole." So foul. Oh, here she comes. Yep, I'm ready, lather me up in oil. I hope your hands aren't cold. Oh, that feels nice. Mmm. Okay, you can go a little harder - I like it rough. No really, I do. What the hell? Swedish massage? Yeah, whatever, that's fine I just want you to really massage the shit out of my used up body. My body is aching and my muscles are sore. It's been a while since I got a massage. I do a lot of yoga and I run too. I'm fucking sore, bitch! Hurt me! Ugh, I need to go back to Bali. This massage oil smells like shit. But she smells kinda good. I wonder what she's wearing.
K, your hands are getting a liiiiiittle too close to my nether region. Whoahhh. Oh, I'm supposed to flip over. Okay. Shit. Don't looooookie. Ugh. Huff. Goodness I'm tired from turning onto my back. Ps: I'm hungry. Wow I didn't notice the decor of this room. But like can we put at least a dimmed light? It's kinda dark in here - that makes me feel sketched out. Am I gonna die? The ceiling is clean. Oh, that's nice wall decor! Wow that mirror is funky looking. Eww, I feel weird turned on my back. Don't make eye contact. Eh, I can feel her eyes on me. Just keeping looking at the ceiling. I'm getting so fucking tired. I wanna close my eyes but that feels weird. I can see up her nose. Lemme just stare at this one corner of the ceiling. Oh, other side okay cool. Good, because this is getting awkward. Hmm what should I do after? I definitely don't wanna stay around New Gross. It's kinda nice out maybe I can go to the city? Hmm Williamsburg on a Saturday afternoon, that sounds promising. I should do more yoga. Oh! Tummy rumbles. Hungah pains. Games. Shames. Lames. Cranes. Trains. Plains. Planes. Plantains...Oh, are we done? Oh, right the facial. Got it. Okay, no I'm fine I'm not thirsty. I'm hungry. Where the fuck are some lotus spa flowery foods? Can I at least get a mint?! Some bee pollen?! That's healthy right? Nice, some silence. Mmm I can close my eyes while she's gone.
Oh, you're back. Ugh great. I'm kinda nervous about this facial thing. I've never gotten one and I don't want you scraping my face off or burning my skin with acidic solutions that melt my pretty face away. Ok, well I do use moisturizer everyday after I shower. Oh, oily huh? Hmm, yeah I don't use a toner. Yeah, I don't use a scrub either. Nope, just soap and water but it's that cool acne/blemish fighting soap by Aveeno. It dries my skin out. Oh...yeah, well I don't have money for that kind of regimen. Okay, thanks for the advice. I'm still gonna use my moisturizer. Okay, so you're gonna mummy-wrap my face first? Interesting. Umm it's tough to breathe but no worries. Beauty is pain right? This steam is making it really hard to breathe. Why is my back kind of sweaty? Great, I'm in a cold sweat right now. Perfect. No cucumbers? Dammit, so it's not gonna be like it is in the movies. Then what the hell am I paying for? Ten minutes?! Ten minutes with this steam shit and mummy mask on? Oh, c'mon I'm hungry! Fine, go leave the room. I don't need this. I wonder how Marykate is enjoying her spa thing. I bet her spa lady gave her treats. What a bitch. My butt itches. Huff, much better.
Oh, thank Godddd you're back, I'm getting antsy and claustrophobic in this mask thing. Wow, my face feels rejuvenated already. Is it still on? How do I look? Hmm this is creamy and lotioney. Oh, this is nice...ah! a little cold. Yeah, you rub that shit into my face. Oh, umm what is that? What are you doing to my face? No, seriously what the fuck are you rubbing on my face?! It's like a mini-metal detector you keep rubbing over my skin. Ouch! It zaps! Are you hunting for gold or something? Not on this beach, bitch. Stop that. It actually felt kinda cool. Okay, do it again! Ohhh, now this is scrubby and rough. Nice, I'm assuming it's a scrub. Try not to scrub my tan off. I tan really well during the summer. You're so gentle when you wipe that shit off. I just wanna keep moving my face. It felt trapped for a while.
Ohh, you call it extracting blackheads. Ha. More like poppin' zits to me! Yeah, my nose is a problem area. Ouch. Umm okay, Jesus that kinda hurts. Now, you're just trying to pop baby ones that haven't hatched yet. Okay, seriously is this almost over? I wanna go home and eat something. Oh, you found the mother ship. Yeah, that shit ain't gonna stop. Streaming white head right there. That one I don't bother touching anymore, it just won't go away. Wowwww, I can already feel myself bruising. Jesus, why won't it stop?! Did you get it all? Okay, good. Oh, great another cream. This one smells better than that other shit. Hoofta. Mmm, make sure to get under my chin. Yup, you got it! Yeah, thank you thank you thank you. No go away and let me meditate slash put my clothes back on.
Mmmmm I love a nice stretch. I feel good! Where the hell did she put my clothes? Oh, there they are. It's chilly in here. This mirror has like forty hundred baby mirrors in it. How the hell can I see my new face? Oh, there it is. Yeah, she definitely is gonna leave a bruise after killing the mother ship on the side of my face. Definitely need cover up. Oh, she's texting hahaha. Losah. Thanks so much! Oh, yeah I'll take your card. I don't plan on ever coming back though if I have to pay full price. This was a Groupon gig I hope you know that. Yeah, sorry.
K, your hands are getting a liiiiiittle too close to my nether region. Whoahhh. Oh, I'm supposed to flip over. Okay. Shit. Don't looooookie. Ugh. Huff. Goodness I'm tired from turning onto my back. Ps: I'm hungry. Wow I didn't notice the decor of this room. But like can we put at least a dimmed light? It's kinda dark in here - that makes me feel sketched out. Am I gonna die? The ceiling is clean. Oh, that's nice wall decor! Wow that mirror is funky looking. Eww, I feel weird turned on my back. Don't make eye contact. Eh, I can feel her eyes on me. Just keeping looking at the ceiling. I'm getting so fucking tired. I wanna close my eyes but that feels weird. I can see up her nose. Lemme just stare at this one corner of the ceiling. Oh, other side okay cool. Good, because this is getting awkward. Hmm what should I do after? I definitely don't wanna stay around New Gross. It's kinda nice out maybe I can go to the city? Hmm Williamsburg on a Saturday afternoon, that sounds promising. I should do more yoga. Oh! Tummy rumbles. Hungah pains. Games. Shames. Lames. Cranes. Trains. Plains. Planes. Plantains...Oh, are we done? Oh, right the facial. Got it. Okay, no I'm fine I'm not thirsty. I'm hungry. Where the fuck are some lotus spa flowery foods? Can I at least get a mint?! Some bee pollen?! That's healthy right? Nice, some silence. Mmm I can close my eyes while she's gone.
Oh, you're back. Ugh great. I'm kinda nervous about this facial thing. I've never gotten one and I don't want you scraping my face off or burning my skin with acidic solutions that melt my pretty face away. Ok, well I do use moisturizer everyday after I shower. Oh, oily huh? Hmm, yeah I don't use a toner. Yeah, I don't use a scrub either. Nope, just soap and water but it's that cool acne/blemish fighting soap by Aveeno. It dries my skin out. Oh...yeah, well I don't have money for that kind of regimen. Okay, thanks for the advice. I'm still gonna use my moisturizer. Okay, so you're gonna mummy-wrap my face first? Interesting. Umm it's tough to breathe but no worries. Beauty is pain right? This steam is making it really hard to breathe. Why is my back kind of sweaty? Great, I'm in a cold sweat right now. Perfect. No cucumbers? Dammit, so it's not gonna be like it is in the movies. Then what the hell am I paying for? Ten minutes?! Ten minutes with this steam shit and mummy mask on? Oh, c'mon I'm hungry! Fine, go leave the room. I don't need this. I wonder how Marykate is enjoying her spa thing. I bet her spa lady gave her treats. What a bitch. My butt itches. Huff, much better.
Oh, thank Godddd you're back, I'm getting antsy and claustrophobic in this mask thing. Wow, my face feels rejuvenated already. Is it still on? How do I look? Hmm this is creamy and lotioney. Oh, this is nice...ah! a little cold. Yeah, you rub that shit into my face. Oh, umm what is that? What are you doing to my face? No, seriously what the fuck are you rubbing on my face?! It's like a mini-metal detector you keep rubbing over my skin. Ouch! It zaps! Are you hunting for gold or something? Not on this beach, bitch. Stop that. It actually felt kinda cool. Okay, do it again! Ohhh, now this is scrubby and rough. Nice, I'm assuming it's a scrub. Try not to scrub my tan off. I tan really well during the summer. You're so gentle when you wipe that shit off. I just wanna keep moving my face. It felt trapped for a while.
Ohh, you call it extracting blackheads. Ha. More like poppin' zits to me! Yeah, my nose is a problem area. Ouch. Umm okay, Jesus that kinda hurts. Now, you're just trying to pop baby ones that haven't hatched yet. Okay, seriously is this almost over? I wanna go home and eat something. Oh, you found the mother ship. Yeah, that shit ain't gonna stop. Streaming white head right there. That one I don't bother touching anymore, it just won't go away. Wowwww, I can already feel myself bruising. Jesus, why won't it stop?! Did you get it all? Okay, good. Oh, great another cream. This one smells better than that other shit. Hoofta. Mmm, make sure to get under my chin. Yup, you got it! Yeah, thank you thank you thank you. No go away and let me meditate slash put my clothes back on.
Mmmmm I love a nice stretch. I feel good! Where the hell did she put my clothes? Oh, there they are. It's chilly in here. This mirror has like forty hundred baby mirrors in it. How the hell can I see my new face? Oh, there it is. Yeah, she definitely is gonna leave a bruise after killing the mother ship on the side of my face. Definitely need cover up. Oh, she's texting hahaha. Losah. Thanks so much! Oh, yeah I'll take your card. I don't plan on ever coming back though if I have to pay full price. This was a Groupon gig I hope you know that. Yeah, sorry.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
This guy...Yeah, for sure. If you know what I mean. What a beauty. Stunning. Hottie with a body. Lordy, he's slammin'. Meet Dudley O'Shaughnessy. English-bred boxer, model, actor. If you recognize him, it's probably because he was Rihanna's slam piece in her recent debuted "We Found Love" music video. He used to be a boxer before being scou'ed (scouted...the way he says it in the interview below is so presh). He's now with Next Model Management...ballin'.
Interview with Dudle O'Shaughnessy
An interview with Dudley O'Shaughnessy from Cecilie Harris on Vimeo.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Shake It Out...Woah
Amazing...I CANNOT wait for this to drop next week. I pre-ordered the album.
Shake It Out - Florence + the Machine
Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play
And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn
And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around
And our love is pastured such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues strong
But it's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaaah
I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a final mess but it's left me so empty
It's always darkest before the dawn
Oh woah, oh woah...
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat
Cause looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
Shake It Out - Florence + the Machine
Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play
And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn
And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around
And our love is pastured such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues strong
But it's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a final mess but it's left me so empty
It's always darkest before the dawn
Oh woah, oh woah...
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat
Cause looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Strings + Needles
My friend Bubba posted this on my wall knowing I would like it. She knows me all too well :)
Can someone please Please PLEASE get them to perform for my birthday. This is probably going to be my one and only "Super Sweet 16" request. Well, if not for my birthday, than at least let me know when and where they are performing near the NYC area. Who thought a violinist and dj would work so well together? This shit is #boss...
DJ Mia Moretti & Caitlin Moe
Can someone please Please PLEASE get them to perform for my birthday. This is probably going to be my one and only "Super Sweet 16" request. Well, if not for my birthday, than at least let me know when and where they are performing near the NYC area. Who thought a violinist and dj would work so well together? This shit is #boss...
DJ Mia Moretti & Caitlin Moe
Friday, October 21, 2011
I said 'Sure.'
If you're ever in need of a good laugh just watch this clip from one of da breast movies I've seen of all time. Comedic genius...sure.
Bridesmaids (2011) tattoo scene...sure.
Bridesmaids (2011) tattoo scene...sure.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I know her!
Can't help but re-tweet via blog post. A good friend of mine was featured in the campaign video for Lanvin's Fall & Winter 2011 Collection back during Fashion Week. The video featured sweet dance moves by New Yorkers all around. I don't want to embarrass her entirely but she's in the beginning somewhere with a friend.
NYFW Spring 2012 from David Sherwin on Vimeo.
NYFW Spring 2012 from David Sherwin on Vimeo.
Music Video Madness!
I've been meaning to post these vids that I ABSOLUTELY LURVE until I realized Rihanna's new music video for "We Found Love" (featuring the amazing Calvin Harris #marrymeplease) came out. These songs are good too - I wouldn't be posting epic visual and auditory sauce on my blog if they didn't appeal to those senses. All these songs have been on my iPod for a while but I never knew they were visually appealing until now. Pandora should play music videos in the future.
In no particular order:
1. Love Lost / The Temper Trap
2. Settle Down / Kimbra
3. I Follow Rivers / Lykke Li
4. We Found Love / Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris)
5. Lisztomania / Phoenix*
*Okay, so this last one isn't an "official" video but it's a great mashup video using scenes from the BEST 80s movies ever to a great song by an awesome French band that I have yet to still see live. My birthday is in the beginning of April if anyone would like birfday gift ideas for me ;)
In no particular order:
1. Love Lost / The Temper Trap
2. Settle Down / Kimbra
3. I Follow Rivers / Lykke Li
4. We Found Love / Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris)
5. Lisztomania / Phoenix*
*Okay, so this last one isn't an "official" video but it's a great mashup video using scenes from the BEST 80s movies ever to a great song by an awesome French band that I have yet to still see live. My birthday is in the beginning of April if anyone would like birfday gift ideas for me ;)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Bliss Cafe
I'm not sure if I already went over my frequenting trips to Williamsburg. It's the obscure section of BK where hipsters reside. And I'm completely okay with that. In fact, it's cleaner than L.E.S. (less rats, you know), and not polluted with a strip of sushi joints. There's only so much rice and fish I could take. All in all, Williamsburg is the tits and if the inhabitants are the reason for not visiting, then you're a butthead.
A few weeks ago I went to this vegan place fo' dinnah called Bliss Cafe. It's cute, low-key and the front door was outlined in bright green paint so it wasn't hard to find on Bedford Ave. All menu items are vegetarian/vegan-friendly. For a place that serves healthy eats, I'd say my Bliss Bowl was pretty scrumptious - I got my dose of all the essential food groups: carbs (brown rice & sweet potatoes), protein (tofu & beans), and veggies (seaweed, mixed veggies, and kale). Oh, and carrot/ginger dressing...Mmmm.
Dishes are reasonable in price, the place is open fairly late, they deliver and you can BYOB. #AWESOME. If you refer to my earlier post from a month ago, you'll see why I chose to hit up this vegan eatery.
This picture is just to prove that I don't eat alone...vegans do exist.
A few weeks ago I went to this vegan place fo' dinnah called Bliss Cafe. It's cute, low-key and the front door was outlined in bright green paint so it wasn't hard to find on Bedford Ave. All menu items are vegetarian/vegan-friendly. For a place that serves healthy eats, I'd say my Bliss Bowl was pretty scrumptious - I got my dose of all the essential food groups: carbs (brown rice & sweet potatoes), protein (tofu & beans), and veggies (seaweed, mixed veggies, and kale). Oh, and carrot/ginger dressing...Mmmm.
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Bliss Bowl goodness. |
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I did NOT pay her to pose. |
This picture is just to prove that I don't eat alone...vegans do exist.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Life isn't exactly like the movies but my goodness this is so true...
I haven't seen The Holiday yet but my roommate Gianna told me about this speech Kate Winslet made in the movie. Movies come attached with this gray area - life isn't like the movies but at the same time, we all experience similar situations and think to ourselves, "Ugh that's so fucking true!" And then we get mad when things actually turn out well because in actuality, that doesn't normally happen that easy nor does it happen to us a majority of the time. We don't get by that easy. But my point is this: these lines that Winslet says are borderline tear-jerking because I feel that we've all been there. And if you haven't, you certainly will feel this feeling at least once in your life. Her words will prepare you. And maybe make you tear up like they did to me.
So true
So true
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I've been drinking this stuff for a few a weeks now. It has an acquired taste and an interesting story behind it. It can be known as a fad, a healthful beverage, or something that is not always safe to drink.
Kombucha (according to Wikipedia): a tea-based beverage that is often drunk for its anecdotal health benefits or medicinal purposes. Kombucha is available commercially and can be made at home by fermenting tea using a visible, solid mass of yeast and bacteria which forms the kombucha culture, often referred to as the "mushroom" or the "mother."
The word that I noticed the most out of this definition was 'anecdotal' not because it sounds neat and uber intelligent but because that's how I view kombucha. From what I've "researched" on this beverage, there isn't much evidence that would have me come to the conclusion that it's a healthful and beneficial drink. Although it does come with warnings, especially for those who want to brew up a batch of their own, I still drink it.
I tell my friends it's like revitalizing stomach acid and although it has an acquired taste, I try to reassure myself that I'm doing something good for my body despite what the critics may say about a drink that smells like vinegar and is hard to chug*
*critics being myself.
A brief history lesson - the drink dates back to 19th century Russia and people in China and Japan have been drinking it for a long time. Done. See, I told you it'd be brief. Kombucha is a pro-biotic drink, meaning it contains good bacteria that help the body fight off bad bacteria. It also contains B vitamins, alcohol ( a veryy insignificant amount although the first time I drank kombucha I felt very floaty at work), and a lot of acid (amino, gluconic, lactic, and blah blah blah).
Pro-kombuchites claim that the drink helps with eyesight, aids in digestion, improves energy levels, prevents aging, and aids in cancer recovery (the last one I beg to differ with). There are other claims that it helps detoxify the liver but again, none of these studies have been proven on humans and if these studies existed (which they probably do) a definite answer hasn't been found yet.
With every food or beverage, there comes a precaution. My roommate Gianna sent me a picture message of a brief article she found in a magazine (not sure which one) but it stated the following:
Mark Moyad, M.D. says the drink may be risky: "It's very acidic, which could be a problem if your liver or kidneys aren't filtering properly. And if your immune system isn't up to speed, as in the case of a cancer or AIDS patient, the yeast and bacteria could be dangerous." Shit. Talk about a kidney infection.
I have to admit it's a bit pricey, ranging anywhere between $3-5. The floaty-like feeling I get wouldn't necessarily be worth that much but hey, it's cheaper than most alcohols. Even Lindsay Lohan likes it.
Funny story: My boss was having a bad day and on my lunch break I went to Whole Foods Market. I saw that GT's Kombucha was on sale 2 for $4. So I got myself one and my boss one thinking it'd uplift her spirits and all that good shit. She was out to lunch when I came back so I put it on her desk. It hadn't occurred to me to research before I placed it on her desk. And of course, different sites were telling me it's bad for pregnant women, it can cause this and that and maybe that if drunk too much. And it's fermented, meaning, "Oh hey, alcohol, glad you made it to the party!" Yah. I potentially could've been drinking in the office, on the job, and may have given my boss some alcohol too. Ugh, oops, I thought. But she came to see me later on in the day and said, "I don't know what you gave me, but this stuff is so good."
Kombucha (according to Wikipedia): a tea-based beverage that is often drunk for its anecdotal health benefits or medicinal purposes. Kombucha is available commercially and can be made at home by fermenting tea using a visible, solid mass of yeast and bacteria which forms the kombucha culture, often referred to as the "mushroom" or the "mother."
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Synergy brand is a popular Kombucha drink company |
The word that I noticed the most out of this definition was 'anecdotal' not because it sounds neat and uber intelligent but because that's how I view kombucha. From what I've "researched" on this beverage, there isn't much evidence that would have me come to the conclusion that it's a healthful and beneficial drink. Although it does come with warnings, especially for those who want to brew up a batch of their own, I still drink it.
I tell my friends it's like revitalizing stomach acid and although it has an acquired taste, I try to reassure myself that I'm doing something good for my body despite what the critics may say about a drink that smells like vinegar and is hard to chug*
*critics being myself.
A brief history lesson - the drink dates back to 19th century Russia and people in China and Japan have been drinking it for a long time. Done. See, I told you it'd be brief. Kombucha is a pro-biotic drink, meaning it contains good bacteria that help the body fight off bad bacteria. It also contains B vitamins, alcohol ( a veryy insignificant amount although the first time I drank kombucha I felt very floaty at work), and a lot of acid (amino, gluconic, lactic, and blah blah blah).
Pro-kombuchites claim that the drink helps with eyesight, aids in digestion, improves energy levels, prevents aging, and aids in cancer recovery (the last one I beg to differ with). There are other claims that it helps detoxify the liver but again, none of these studies have been proven on humans and if these studies existed (which they probably do) a definite answer hasn't been found yet.
With every food or beverage, there comes a precaution. My roommate Gianna sent me a picture message of a brief article she found in a magazine (not sure which one) but it stated the following:
Mark Moyad, M.D. says the drink may be risky: "It's very acidic, which could be a problem if your liver or kidneys aren't filtering properly. And if your immune system isn't up to speed, as in the case of a cancer or AIDS patient, the yeast and bacteria could be dangerous." Shit. Talk about a kidney infection.
I have to admit it's a bit pricey, ranging anywhere between $3-5. The floaty-like feeling I get wouldn't necessarily be worth that much but hey, it's cheaper than most alcohols. Even Lindsay Lohan likes it.
Funny story: My boss was having a bad day and on my lunch break I went to Whole Foods Market. I saw that GT's Kombucha was on sale 2 for $4. So I got myself one and my boss one thinking it'd uplift her spirits and all that good shit. She was out to lunch when I came back so I put it on her desk. It hadn't occurred to me to research before I placed it on her desk. And of course, different sites were telling me it's bad for pregnant women, it can cause this and that and maybe that if drunk too much. And it's fermented, meaning, "Oh hey, alcohol, glad you made it to the party!" Yah. I potentially could've been drinking in the office, on the job, and may have given my boss some alcohol too. Ugh, oops, I thought. But she came to see me later on in the day and said, "I don't know what you gave me, but this stuff is so good."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
DC Trip Recapage
I don't know how to go about sharing this adventure considering it was so long ago so I'll quickly recap:
- A shit ton of traffic heading to Jersey City where the BN currently resides. Why, oh why, did I opt for the Henry Hudson instead of the GWB, I'll never know. Fuck you, GPS.
- Her new digs are nice. The area, not so much. But I'm sure Jersey City has its hideaway nice areas. But seriously, the kids getting out of high school and running all over the narrow streets made getting to her a place a nightmare. Let's just say I locked my doors.
- She lives with 3 adorable. No, but seriously, they are so coot!
- The drive down to DC was great. We chatted, which made the ride seem to go by. Listened to Nicki Minaj & David Guetta. Aaaand there was no traffic! Even better.
- We stayed at Margaret's place, which was awesome and so nice! And then we met up with Mary and headed to The Front Page, a nice bar in the DuPont Circle area.
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Reunited. Such a great weekend :) |
- Woke up slightly hungover and headed to brunch a place called Scion, on the corner of P Street and 21st. Three words: Bottomless Bloody Mary's, which is what we did and by 2pm I was "ready" to walk around DC.
- We walked aimlessly in the DC sunshine, found a Caribou in DC! Coffee goodness from the heart of the Midwest; the BN got me hooked when I visited her a few summers ago in Minneapolis.
- I wasn't feeling so downtrodden after my Hazelnut Northern Lite Iced Coffee :) We head to Dangerously Delicious Pies. The outside of it reminded me Williamsburg, BK. The inside played Arcade Fire and was laid back and quiet. The seats had pies and crossbones sprayed painted on them. This place served not only sweet pies but savory ones as well like quiches and pot pies. I helped myself to a slice called the Baltimore Bomb - vanilla, shortbread, buttermilk, and fudge. So bad but so good at the same time. If I had to die, this would probably the best way to do it, right? Oh, and I'm glad I got to try this before I decided to stop eating dairy.
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- After a nice nap, Margs, BN & I hit up Chinatown for dinner and saw the Basilica near CUA and the Capitol. We also came across a Rita's! So the BN got to try one of the amazing eats I get back in Delaware. It's Italian Water Ice. So good.
- The BN and I left early the next morning and headed back to the Empire State. Ugh. Considering it was September 11th and the ten-year anniversary of the Towers falling, no one was on the road. Except for cops. In total I saw 25 cop cars on the road. And I nearly cried driving over the GWB. All in all, it was an epic weekend in such a beautiful city. I hope to go back soon to see my lovely fwiends :)
Friday, October 7, 2011
What's so sad...
I'm trying this new thing where I steer away from things that make me feel shitty. And hanging out with you is probably not a good idea because you make me feel shitty.
What's so sad is that I enjoy your company and I know you enjoy mine. I see the way you laugh at my jokes and commentary. I mean, why else would you be filming me on your iPhone and constantly take pictures of me when we walk around town. It's the after-effects that make me feel like the crap.
What's so sad is that I know this shitty feeling is going to happen. I know how things will end and I know how I'll feel the next day. As if I know your every move and by now, I think I do. And I keep letting myself feel this way. Whether you're doing this unintentionally or out of pleasure, you treat me like dog shit. You really do. Hell, you would probably whip out your iPhone and film a dog eating me (the shit) after he shits me out. Gross, I know. But now you know that you're capable of making someone feel very low and bad about their self. And you do that to me. I let you do that to me. Relating to drugs, highs don't last forever. And when I'm with you, I feel...high. I'm fine. I feel good. But after you brush me under the rug, put me back in the cupboard, save me for a rainy day*, that's it. You're done. You've finished what you felt you had to do with me and now you're stowing me away until you decide when you'd like to see me again. And fine, maybe it's usually after I tell you I'm around, I'm not busy, I want to see you. And okay, I'll give you some credit, you ask me what I'm doing but never fully ask anything more from me. You don't want to be the vulnerable one. You leave that up to me. Maybe no one is around to entertain you. So you find me in a recycling bin, like the disposable friend that I am to you, and put on your friendly pants and take me for a walk.
*What's weird is that every time I see you, it's raining.
What's so sad is that you used to not act like that. You were different. You were something I'd like to call nice. And now you play. You toss aside. You laugh not with me but at me. You hurt. I feel like a charity case after we hang out. As if you've done your good deed for the day, and then poof, I'm out of sight, out of mind, out of your bubble of people worthy enough for a response. Because both you and I know I'm not. I'm just somebody that you used to know.
What's so sad is that this excuse I'm making - this constant apology to myself for acting dumb - isn't going to slide. After awhile, I'll start to realize that change needs to start somewhere. I need to change. I need to let go. You see, what's happening is this - I'm holding onto the good times, the nice you, and I'm hoping that you have the potential of returning to that part of you. But I'm not you and I'm also not a genie that can make you change into what I want you to be (although asking for someone to be a little nicer isn't much, right?). I enjoy the idea of you, like that Dave Matthews song. But I know that's not realistic. It's an idea. You're an idea. That's it. Unless, and until, you want to change then keep doing what you're doing - ignore me, laugh at me, play with me, lie to me, ignore me some more. Because I'm not going to try. I can't try anymore. I can't force things to happen. I need to wake up. The good times are over. No more Mr. Nice Spice.
You're sad.
What's so sad is that I enjoy your company and I know you enjoy mine. I see the way you laugh at my jokes and commentary. I mean, why else would you be filming me on your iPhone and constantly take pictures of me when we walk around town. It's the after-effects that make me feel like the crap.
What's so sad is that I know this shitty feeling is going to happen. I know how things will end and I know how I'll feel the next day. As if I know your every move and by now, I think I do. And I keep letting myself feel this way. Whether you're doing this unintentionally or out of pleasure, you treat me like dog shit. You really do. Hell, you would probably whip out your iPhone and film a dog eating me (the shit) after he shits me out. Gross, I know. But now you know that you're capable of making someone feel very low and bad about their self. And you do that to me. I let you do that to me. Relating to drugs, highs don't last forever. And when I'm with you, I feel...high. I'm fine. I feel good. But after you brush me under the rug, put me back in the cupboard, save me for a rainy day*, that's it. You're done. You've finished what you felt you had to do with me and now you're stowing me away until you decide when you'd like to see me again. And fine, maybe it's usually after I tell you I'm around, I'm not busy, I want to see you. And okay, I'll give you some credit, you ask me what I'm doing but never fully ask anything more from me. You don't want to be the vulnerable one. You leave that up to me. Maybe no one is around to entertain you. So you find me in a recycling bin, like the disposable friend that I am to you, and put on your friendly pants and take me for a walk.
*What's weird is that every time I see you, it's raining.
What's so sad is that you used to not act like that. You were different. You were something I'd like to call nice. And now you play. You toss aside. You laugh not with me but at me. You hurt. I feel like a charity case after we hang out. As if you've done your good deed for the day, and then poof, I'm out of sight, out of mind, out of your bubble of people worthy enough for a response. Because both you and I know I'm not. I'm just somebody that you used to know.
What's so sad is that this excuse I'm making - this constant apology to myself for acting dumb - isn't going to slide. After awhile, I'll start to realize that change needs to start somewhere. I need to change. I need to let go. You see, what's happening is this - I'm holding onto the good times, the nice you, and I'm hoping that you have the potential of returning to that part of you. But I'm not you and I'm also not a genie that can make you change into what I want you to be (although asking for someone to be a little nicer isn't much, right?). I enjoy the idea of you, like that Dave Matthews song. But I know that's not realistic. It's an idea. You're an idea. That's it. Unless, and until, you want to change then keep doing what you're doing - ignore me, laugh at me, play with me, lie to me, ignore me some more. Because I'm not going to try. I can't try anymore. I can't force things to happen. I need to wake up. The good times are over. No more Mr. Nice Spice.
You're sad.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I thought what I wrote on someone's wall was blog-worthy...
I'm in one of those moods. Blah moods, as I say. I'm spending my lunch break blogging since I haven't done so in a while. I'm also looking at shoes, places to start doing some more yoga (crane pose here I come!), and creeping on Facebook (c'mon, we all do it).
Two of my good Portlander friends from study abroad, Jenny and Jessi, will be running the Portland marathon this coming Columbus Day weekend. I was suuuupoooosed to go to Portland this weekend but due to my lack of funds and monetary responsibility* I have to put this trip on hold.
*spending $200 on & is not okay. Neither is $100 at Target. #ashamed.
While in this blahh mood that I'm in, I wrote this on Jessi's wall:
"After the marathon, I suggest you run to the east coast. It's getting cold here and I'm getting cranky and I kind of need you to brighten my day while the leaves turn and I'm stuck in a cubicle until 5pm, only being able to save the world at night time like Batman. But in my case, it would be like Catwoman. Meow ♥
You can be Robin or like a sidekick gerbil. I don't know if Catwoman comes equipped with a sidekick. She's probably too good for one. But yeah, I'll take a gerbil."
I'm pretty funny. I plan on going to Whole Foods after work today. There's a sale on vegan frozen dinners and I want to try them.
Two of my good Portlander friends from study abroad, Jenny and Jessi, will be running the Portland marathon this coming Columbus Day weekend. I was suuuupoooosed to go to Portland this weekend but due to my lack of funds and monetary responsibility* I have to put this trip on hold.
*spending $200 on & is not okay. Neither is $100 at Target. #ashamed.
While in this blahh mood that I'm in, I wrote this on Jessi's wall:
"After the marathon, I suggest you run to the east coast. It's getting cold here and I'm getting cranky and I kind of need you to brighten my day while the leaves turn and I'm stuck in a cubicle until 5pm, only being able to save the world at night time like Batman. But in my case, it would be like Catwoman. Meow ♥
You can be Robin or like a sidekick gerbil. I don't know if Catwoman comes equipped with a sidekick. She's probably too good for one. But yeah, I'll take a gerbil."
I'm pretty funny. I plan on going to Whole Foods after work today. There's a sale on vegan frozen dinners and I want to try them.
So more about being locked out for 5 hours...
Hello! Last Tuesday deemed to be one of the #worstdaysever this season. Wow, I say it like I'm a hit television show. That won't be for a while although I do have plans in the making.
As you know (if you've read last post), I was with my friend Tori while she dog/house-sitted for a semi-celeb/do-gooder last week. I stayed with her a few nights considering house-sitting isn't all that exciting if done alone. And besides, I've been there before, tolerated the dog enough to say, "Yeah, I'm down to not live in my own house for a week and use someone else's toilet."
Tori had to work late filming (yeah, she works in tha bizzzzz) and told me to let the dog out when I got home. However, the back sliding door to the deck is tricky - one must take off this piece of wood to open it. The wood serves as a sort of "lock" since the door itself is umm..."under construction." Easy peasy right? Well, not quite. I got home to see Buddy, the rambunctious Cockapoo sitting on the couch staring at me. He got up with excitement and came over and started jumping on me and all that annoying shit. He even trickled a little piss out, he was that excited. Ugh.
After being in traffic for an hour, I bought two bottles of wine before getting to the house. I locked the front door behind me, set everything down, tended to the pee on the floor and let Buddy out to I guess pee some more if he didn't already get it all over the kitchen floor. I cleaned it, of course #duh. I thought I'd hang out with Buddy on the deck for a bit while he did his thing and THOUGHT I didn't close the sliding door behind me all the way. Well, remember that said piece of wood? Yah, well it fell. And the door couldn't be opened. Not even a smidge for me to get my fingers through and try to umm, not be able to do anything. FML, I thought. I was locked out with a dog, no keys, no phone, no jacket (it was windy and cloudy), and no food. What the fuck.
I tried going around the house to see if any windows were left unlocked. Nil. The back door locked, the front door locked (thanks to me), and the garage door opener was broken. Cool. I remember the last thing Tori texted me was that two of the guests had to be flown back for being sick or something so there was a slight possibility of her coming home a little early. Okay, great...she'd be home before 8pm, so maybe we'll just chill out here (literally). Yeah, it sucked because it was 6pm, then 7, 830, and 930 rolls around and after chasing Buddy around the yard, yelling at him to come back to the deck, telling him to shut the fuh up when he barked at the slightest noise, and having a crying sesh, I decide it's time to ask for help.
You're probably thinking, "What the hell kind of dumb idiot are you for not asking for help in the first place?!" Well, here is my reasoning: I'm not the one assigned to dog/house sit for these people. I'm merely staying with the person who is assigned that duty. So I'm not technically affiliated with the house, the dog, the family, etc. It would be strange for me to say, "Hi, uhh my friend is house-sitting for them and I got locked out." Get it? And I'm sure they've seen my friend on numerous occasions house-sitting at that house so they'd probably think what is this weird half-asian, confused-looking chick doing with a cockapoo outside a house that's not hers?
I finally got help - the neighbor across the street was smoking a cigarette on his porch. I used his iPhone (since he didn't have a phone book like ordinary people would) and was able to pull up my friend's house number ( is creeepyyyy). Her mom answered, "Oh thank God! We were all worried about you because you weren't answering your phone! Tori was having a fit. She's on her way there now!" Tori came home, kinda gave me this smile that said, "What the fuck did you do?/Only this would happen to you" type of smile. "I was going 90 on 287," she said. We laughed, we hugged, we were both relieved that I wasn't dead or struggling by myself with a dog and no way into a house.
However, trying to open the front door was no laughing matter. The dead bolt was stuck. For two hours we tried to open the front door. She had the key and everything. Even her mom ended up coming over. The dog and I still hadn't eaten and it was barking up a storm at every car driving through the neighborhood. So annoying. Tori's mom had to bounce to go pick up her cousin from the bus stop, leaving Tori and I to fend for ourselves. Luckily, Tori found a wrench in her car. She tried to turn the key in the lock with the wrench only to snap the key in half.
I had longer nails, so after fifteen minutes I was able to pull the little fucker out of the lock. Key #1 - done. There was a spare key but after seeing what happened the first time, we just kinda stood there. I was panicking considering I had to work the next day and all I had on me were the clothes I wore to work and my key fob that gets me into my office. Greatttt. Tori called the nanny, who said she had the same problem before and was able to open it using a lot of pressure and great strength. We felt like idiots. Why couldn't we open this fucking door? The nanny drove over and we told her about the wrench and the key snapping in half. She took the wrench and we could see that she was going to do the same thing we did. Tori and I looked at each other. Ummmmmm....
The sweet, Irish woman (brogue included), smaller than the both of us, turned the wrench and easy as pie she gets the dead bolt to turn. Silence. Shock. My jaw is one the ground. Buddy ran into the house and before we even get to the kitchen, his dog bowl is clean. I felt so bad he was hungry, despite hating him the rest of the time. "Now, relax, go have your wine and just sit down," Geraldene said. "Can I give you a hug?!" I asked her. I look at the clock: 1045pm. I look at my phone: 15 missed calls (mostly from Tori and other people she had call me), 1 bbm, and 1 text from someone I didn't care to hear from.We had 3 glasses of wine that night.
As you know (if you've read last post), I was with my friend Tori while she dog/house-sitted for a semi-celeb/do-gooder last week. I stayed with her a few nights considering house-sitting isn't all that exciting if done alone. And besides, I've been there before, tolerated the dog enough to say, "Yeah, I'm down to not live in my own house for a week and use someone else's toilet."
Tori had to work late filming (yeah, she works in tha bizzzzz) and told me to let the dog out when I got home. However, the back sliding door to the deck is tricky - one must take off this piece of wood to open it. The wood serves as a sort of "lock" since the door itself is umm..."under construction." Easy peasy right? Well, not quite. I got home to see Buddy, the rambunctious Cockapoo sitting on the couch staring at me. He got up with excitement and came over and started jumping on me and all that annoying shit. He even trickled a little piss out, he was that excited. Ugh.
After being in traffic for an hour, I bought two bottles of wine before getting to the house. I locked the front door behind me, set everything down, tended to the pee on the floor and let Buddy out to I guess pee some more if he didn't already get it all over the kitchen floor. I cleaned it, of course #duh. I thought I'd hang out with Buddy on the deck for a bit while he did his thing and THOUGHT I didn't close the sliding door behind me all the way. Well, remember that said piece of wood? Yah, well it fell. And the door couldn't be opened. Not even a smidge for me to get my fingers through and try to umm, not be able to do anything. FML, I thought. I was locked out with a dog, no keys, no phone, no jacket (it was windy and cloudy), and no food. What the fuck.
I tried going around the house to see if any windows were left unlocked. Nil. The back door locked, the front door locked (thanks to me), and the garage door opener was broken. Cool. I remember the last thing Tori texted me was that two of the guests had to be flown back for being sick or something so there was a slight possibility of her coming home a little early. Okay, great...she'd be home before 8pm, so maybe we'll just chill out here (literally). Yeah, it sucked because it was 6pm, then 7, 830, and 930 rolls around and after chasing Buddy around the yard, yelling at him to come back to the deck, telling him to shut the fuh up when he barked at the slightest noise, and having a crying sesh, I decide it's time to ask for help.
You're probably thinking, "What the hell kind of dumb idiot are you for not asking for help in the first place?!" Well, here is my reasoning: I'm not the one assigned to dog/house sit for these people. I'm merely staying with the person who is assigned that duty. So I'm not technically affiliated with the house, the dog, the family, etc. It would be strange for me to say, "Hi, uhh my friend is house-sitting for them and I got locked out." Get it? And I'm sure they've seen my friend on numerous occasions house-sitting at that house so they'd probably think what is this weird half-asian, confused-looking chick doing with a cockapoo outside a house that's not hers?
I finally got help - the neighbor across the street was smoking a cigarette on his porch. I used his iPhone (since he didn't have a phone book like ordinary people would) and was able to pull up my friend's house number ( is creeepyyyy). Her mom answered, "Oh thank God! We were all worried about you because you weren't answering your phone! Tori was having a fit. She's on her way there now!" Tori came home, kinda gave me this smile that said, "What the fuck did you do?/Only this would happen to you" type of smile. "I was going 90 on 287," she said. We laughed, we hugged, we were both relieved that I wasn't dead or struggling by myself with a dog and no way into a house.
However, trying to open the front door was no laughing matter. The dead bolt was stuck. For two hours we tried to open the front door. She had the key and everything. Even her mom ended up coming over. The dog and I still hadn't eaten and it was barking up a storm at every car driving through the neighborhood. So annoying. Tori's mom had to bounce to go pick up her cousin from the bus stop, leaving Tori and I to fend for ourselves. Luckily, Tori found a wrench in her car. She tried to turn the key in the lock with the wrench only to snap the key in half.
I had longer nails, so after fifteen minutes I was able to pull the little fucker out of the lock. Key #1 - done. There was a spare key but after seeing what happened the first time, we just kinda stood there. I was panicking considering I had to work the next day and all I had on me were the clothes I wore to work and my key fob that gets me into my office. Greatttt. Tori called the nanny, who said she had the same problem before and was able to open it using a lot of pressure and great strength. We felt like idiots. Why couldn't we open this fucking door? The nanny drove over and we told her about the wrench and the key snapping in half. She took the wrench and we could see that she was going to do the same thing we did. Tori and I looked at each other. Ummmmmm....
The sweet, Irish woman (brogue included), smaller than the both of us, turned the wrench and easy as pie she gets the dead bolt to turn. Silence. Shock. My jaw is one the ground. Buddy ran into the house and before we even get to the kitchen, his dog bowl is clean. I felt so bad he was hungry, despite hating him the rest of the time. "Now, relax, go have your wine and just sit down," Geraldene said. "Can I give you a hug?!" I asked her. I look at the clock: 1045pm. I look at my phone: 15 missed calls (mostly from Tori and other people she had call me), 1 bbm, and 1 text from someone I didn't care to hear from.We had 3 glasses of wine that night.
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If it weren't for you... |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What I aspire to be...
I was helping Tori house/dog-sit last night for some family friends. Well, not exactly help but was along for the ride. And let me tell you, last night was quite the ride. More deets later. But sheesh, I need to get my blogging shit together and get back on this.
Anywho and in the meantime, it was around 1115pm and Tori said, "Umm...I kinda have to watch this." I look at the sleek flatscreen TV mounted above the brick fireplace (these lesbians know how to decorate) and see she has the DVR menu open. Glee.
Hmm. I don't watch this and I remember a lot of the people I lived with abroad (even our Housemother Lyndsay watched it and she was Australian!) were "Gleeks."
"Oh, I don't care. Yeah, go ahead. Put it on." I was confused to say the least - it's like the fifteenth season (exaggerating, duh) and I don't know who anyone is except the gay guy and Lea Michele. Who btw, are awesome triple threats (you know: sing, dance, act). I enjoyed what this cheerleader said to Kurt (I found out his name)....
"I am Unicorn" episode
Anywho and in the meantime, it was around 1115pm and Tori said, "Umm...I kinda have to watch this." I look at the sleek flatscreen TV mounted above the brick fireplace (these lesbians know how to decorate) and see she has the DVR menu open. Glee.
Hmm. I don't watch this and I remember a lot of the people I lived with abroad (even our Housemother Lyndsay watched it and she was Australian!) were "Gleeks."
"Oh, I don't care. Yeah, go ahead. Put it on." I was confused to say the least - it's like the fifteenth season (exaggerating, duh) and I don't know who anyone is except the gay guy and Lea Michele. Who btw, are awesome triple threats (you know: sing, dance, act). I enjoyed what this cheerleader said to Kurt (I found out his name)....
"I am Unicorn" episode
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I feel so close to you right now, it's a forcefield.
I've come to the conclusion that whatever crabby mood I find myself in, I just put on some Calvin Harris and he makes things all better. Well, not all things considering he won't make me feel any better about my credit card debt, my job, and the fact that I'm single and meet weird people off the Internet. But his upbeat tunes make me smile and feel a little better than how I was feeling. His music videos are so awesome to watch. They kind of remind me of Miami Horror in the sense of being story-telling.
Feel So Close
This young Scot who was born Adam Richard Wiles worked on this "humanthesizer: back in 2009 and it amazingly creates synthesized beats with the help of some techy paint and...bodies. So cool, must watch. I need that paint asap!
I've also come to the conclusion that I have a favorite genre of music rather than simply saying "I listen to everything", which is starting to be overused by basically all of mankind because they wish their pet iPods were like my pet iPod Kramer. If I haven't gone over this already, his name is an anagram for the word "marker." Why I decided on this? No clue. But I'd consider my favorite genres of music to be Electropop/Synthrock and Indie Pop/Rock. Examples: Empire of the Sun, Dragonette, Ladyhawke, The xx, Discovery, The Knife, Lykke Li, Passion Pit, Phoenix, The Temper Trap, Vampire Weekend, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, among others. Whew! I lurve me some music.
Feel So Close
This young Scot who was born Adam Richard Wiles worked on this "humanthesizer: back in 2009 and it amazingly creates synthesized beats with the help of some techy paint and...bodies. So cool, must watch. I need that paint asap!
I've also come to the conclusion that I have a favorite genre of music rather than simply saying "I listen to everything", which is starting to be overused by basically all of mankind because they wish their pet iPods were like my pet iPod Kramer. If I haven't gone over this already, his name is an anagram for the word "marker." Why I decided on this? No clue. But I'd consider my favorite genres of music to be Electropop/Synthrock and Indie Pop/Rock. Examples: Empire of the Sun, Dragonette, Ladyhawke, The xx, Discovery, The Knife, Lykke Li, Passion Pit, Phoenix, The Temper Trap, Vampire Weekend, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, among others. Whew! I lurve me some music.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Farewell to Summahtime
With Fall prettyyyy much around the corner, I'd like to bid adeu to the Summertime. It's been fun, hot, and at times unbearable but what season isn't? You gave me a great tan, red cheeks, and a sweaty back. You gave me an excuse to jump into cold water half naked. You were the reason why beer companies came out with special seasonal blends that only taste great when you're around. You stay light outside well after 8pm, allowing for longer outdoor activities. You let me show off my bronzed legs in sun dresses and shorts. And despite my distaste for sand in my crevices, you were the perfect excuse to hit the beach with my betches (male companions included). So thank you. And until next time.
And so, I leave you with a clip from one of my favvvve shows. Summer Heights High. There's no better way of saying goodbye to summer than with one of Ja'mie's blunt thoughts. #Dyaknowhatimean?
The best show...ever
And so, I leave you with a clip from one of my favvvve shows. Summer Heights High. There's no better way of saying goodbye to summer than with one of Ja'mie's blunt thoughts. #Dyaknowhatimean?
The best show...ever
Like Crazy
I can't wait for this movie to come out. Because once in a while, we all need a good cry with the help of a sentimental romantic drama about young love and the complications that it entails. Huff, love sucks. It also seems like this Felicity Jones is going to be the new Natalie Portman. But no one can replace Natalie Portman. She's Natalie Portman! Anyways, FJ is pretty. And British. And has all the potential to be a successful starlet. And she gets to mack with my kid crush Anton Yelchin. I remember him from his House of D and Charlie Bartlett days. #Suchacutie #always.
Like Crazy Trailer [2011]
Like Crazy Trailer [2011]
"I thought I understood it. But I didn't. Only the smudgness of it. The eagerness of it. The idea of it. Of you and me."
Ingrid Michaelson's cover of "Can't Help But Falling In Love With You" used in the trailer is sad is how I can best put it. Fuckin' tear jerker. No, I shant...not at work.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The funniest women on the Internet
Their videos are the reasons why I never get anything done. And another reason why people hear me hysterically laughing from another room and they don't know why. Well, now you know! But it also could be because I'm watching cat videos on Youtube.
Subscribe to their channels on YouTube...
Jenna Marbles
You have sooo much catching up to do - they have heaps of videos. Enjoy!
Subscribe to their channels on YouTube...
Jenna Marbles
You have sooo much catching up to do - they have heaps of videos. Enjoy!
Vegan Baking
This is a newly found, test run? Trial run is how to best put it. But not a permanent lifestyle change. At least not just yet. I know a few vegans, or, a vegan. I wasn't all too familiar with the lifestyle but have heard of it. For those of you who are oblivious to the array of foodie lifestyles there are, a vegan is (according to Vegan Action)...
But today, I redeemed myself with an easy and tasteful vegan oatmeal raisin recipe I found. And these look and taste more like cookies rather than biscuits.
And so, veganism doesn't deprive one of any of the dairy-filled goodies that one may normally be used to. There are always alternatives! One may argue that the "alternatives" may be more like "faulternatives" but that's for you to judge...and whether you even decide to change your lifestyle. But give it a try! No one said you were a hemp seed-eating hipster who's opening a vegan bakery while playing bongos and hanging out with dogs in your free time simply because you tried something. I'm still open to heading to a vegan restaurant and seeing what that's all about. I'm always open to trying new things so bring it on, vegan restaurant! I already get more than a daily dose of vegetables everyday so trying vegan lasagna is worth a shot. Also, the biffle nug found a Groupon that was "up your alley" as she put it. So, in the near future, we'll be heading to a vegan restaurant in Park Slope for a dinner for two that I bought for $19. Good find!
Until the day comes that I completely wipe out all dairy from my diet, which may take some baby steps, I'll still indulge in the occasional dairy-filled sweet treat. Like this little guy...
A vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) is someone who, for various reasons, chooses to avoid using or consuming animal products. While vegetarians choose not to use flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.
I'm not too sure if I'll stop wearing leather goods. Lord knows I'm not too keen on fur so that part I won't have to worry about. And I don't even know if the makeup I use is vegan. To me, a vegan lifestyle only refers to what I put in my body, not on it. But who knows, there are probably full out vegans who steer clear of animal products altogether.
I'd best consider myself a newly transitioning pescetarian - "one who excludes land animals and birds, but includes fish, mollusks, and crustaceans in addition to fruits, vegetables, plants, legumes, nuts, and grains. Eggs and dairy may or may not be present in the pescetarian's diet." - According to Pescetarian Life.
Well, what? I loveeee my sushi. Weening off of dairy is one thing. But spicy tuna I hold near and dear to my healthy heart.
One night, I thought I'd try to bake something. I overslept and missed a bikram yoga class so what else was there to do? Bake some vegan cookies! I found an easy recipe for Vegan Lemon Sugar Cookies. We had all of the essential ingredients but I needed a few from the store. So, Gi and I head over to Trader Joes where I pick up a lemon, stevia (a natual sugar substitute), and...tofu? I didn't know tofu could be put in cookies. And I kind of wish it wasn't. Because after what I thought would be a healthful, scrumptious alternative, ended up being the equivalent to a sweet dog biscuit. And the tofu left a weird aftertaste in my mouth, along with in the mouths of my test audience that were sadly subjected to tasting my failed attempt at vegan baking.
One night, I thought I'd try to bake something. I overslept and missed a bikram yoga class so what else was there to do? Bake some vegan cookies! I found an easy recipe for Vegan Lemon Sugar Cookies. We had all of the essential ingredients but I needed a few from the store. So, Gi and I head over to Trader Joes where I pick up a lemon, stevia (a natual sugar substitute), and...tofu? I didn't know tofu could be put in cookies. And I kind of wish it wasn't. Because after what I thought would be a healthful, scrumptious alternative, ended up being the equivalent to a sweet dog biscuit. And the tofu left a weird aftertaste in my mouth, along with in the mouths of my test audience that were sadly subjected to tasting my failed attempt at vegan baking.
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Look for Pacman. |
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Brody approved :) |
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Yum |
Until the day comes that I completely wipe out all dairy from my diet, which may take some baby steps, I'll still indulge in the occasional dairy-filled sweet treat. Like this little guy...
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It even came with a spoon! I couldn't help but get it. I love tiramisu. I truly believe that Italian desserts are the best kind: cannolis, gelato, tiramisu. And now that B&J have a tiramisu ice cream (let alone, the 3.6 fl oz. size that I purchased) out makes me rethink this whole vegan trial run. But I did find a recipe for vegan tiramisu cupcakes that I'll probably have to attempt one weekend when I'm feeling ballsy enough. |
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